moving State Data



I have a sheet with all the states in it, with other data in the same
row.What I would like to do is move certin states (whole row) to a new sheet.
so say I want CT NJ NY PA DV OH WV MA RI VT.
L:1 = Plan, Plan indicates the state, but I need the whole header row
all the cells below L:1 are the differant 50 states some show more than once.
I would like to be able to pull only certin ones. and move to a new sheet.
keeping the format of the pull sheet.
Is this possible??


Dave Peterson

I would create a second worksheet with that list of statenames to keep (A1:Axx)

Then add a column to your data that has a formula like:

(where column C contained the state)
Drag it down the length of your data.

Filter by that column and copy the visible cells to the new sheet.

Then clean up the original sheet (delete those visible rows) and that helper

Heck you could also copy the sheet to start, then add the formulas to both. On
one sheet keep the Trues and on the other keep the falses.


I've using something simaluar, The list & forumla {=or(exact(A:1,
and then coping over the trues.. Though there might be a to macro it.


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