moving text and objects together in Publisher2007



How do you move text and objects together in Microsoft Publisher. When I cut
and paste, only the text moves and the objects remain behind. Are there
control keys that allow you to move whatever you highlight, including text
and objects in one block?


I held down the shift key and highlighted the text and text boxes in that
paragraph. pressed control C to copy to text and text boxes to the clipboard
and still, only the text was copied. The text box was not and that's the
whole problem. I'm trying to move blocks of text and text boxes from one page
to another. I can move whole pages by dragging the page number on the bottom
to a new location but I can't move paragraphs that include objects like text
boxes to to other locations with the text boxes included.

Mary Sauer

Hello Blindy,
Drag the text box to the scratch area, go to the page you want the text to be
and drag the text box to that page. You don't need to highlight text if you are
moving the entire text box. If you only want a paragraph copied, highlight the
text, copy.
Go to the page where you want the copied text, create a text box, with your
cursor in the box, paste.


Mary Sauer said:
Hello Blindy,
Drag the text box to the scratch area, go to the page you want the text to be
and drag the text box to that page. You don't need to highlight text if you are
moving the entire text box. If you only want a paragraph copied, highlight the
text, copy.
Go to the page where you want the copied text, create a text box, with your
cursor in the box, paste.


Hello Mary,

Thanks for your help. In sending a reply, this appears the only area to do

I appreciate your information regarding dragging the text boxes to the
scratch area. The problem for me is that I'm writing a book in which the
formatting of the text boxes is important and I have to move a lot of
paragraphs around while editing. I had assumed there was a method by which I
could move text and graphics together when moving paragraphs, thereby
maintaining the place holders for the text boxes when they are moved.

If I have to move hundreds of text boxes or graphics into the scratch area,
then reinsert them into text that was moved, I'll be there all day.

I'm looking for a simple way to move text and objects in together so they
maintain their formatting. At this point, I'm not sure that this is possible
and it's very frustrating.



Mary Sauer

Hello Blindy,
Long documents are best done in Word. You don't have to contend with text boxes.
You are making a lot of work for yourself.


Unfortunately, the whole point of using Publisher was to be able to move text
and graphics together as well as place the graphics exactly where I want
them. Word doesn't allow for this. In writing a book with a graphic
designer, placing blocks of text and graphics specifically into new areas as
one block is critical in editing. Paragraphs are constantly being edited as
new material is added and unless I can specifically move blocks of text and
graphics at the same time (other than full pages, which can be done), this
program is worthless to me and I'll have to buy Indesign.

I had assumed that Publisher does this

Mary Sauer

You can move text boxes and objects together, but not blocks of text and

John Inzer

Blindy said:
How do you move text and objects together in Microsoft Publisher.
When I cut and paste, only the text moves and the objects remain
behind. Are there control keys that allow you to move whatever you
highlight, including text and objects in one block?
I hope I understand the question...if I do...
the missing step here is to "Lock" the group

Something to try...

Hold your Shift key while clicking the objects
you wish to Group. Or...while holding your Ctrl
key...left click/select all the objects, textboxes,
etc. that you wish to include in a group.

Now...the important step.....
A lock will appear at the edge of the group
and you just left click it to group the objects. can simply left click/drag a box
around the group and when you release the
mouse button the lock will appear.

OK...once you have the objects grouped...
right click the picture and choose copy...

Now you should be able to paste the group
on any page you wish. can reposition the Group by left
click/drag or use your arrow keys.


John Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk


John Inzer said:
I hope I understand the question...if I do...
the missing step here is to "Lock" the group

Something to try...

Hold your Shift key while clicking the objects
you wish to Group. Or...while holding your Ctrl
key...left click/select all the objects, textboxes,
etc. that you wish to include in a group.

Now...the important step.....
A lock will appear at the edge of the group
and you just left click it to group the objects. can simply left click/drag a box
around the group and when you release the
mouse button the lock will appear.

OK...once you have the objects grouped...
right click the picture and choose copy...

Now you should be able to paste the group
on any page you wish. can reposition the Group by left
click/drag or use your arrow keys.


John Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk


John Inzer said:
I hope I understand the question...if I do...
the missing step here is to "Lock" the group

Something to try...

Hold your Shift key while clicking the objects
you wish to Group. Or...while holding your Ctrl
key...left click/select all the objects, textboxes,
etc. that you wish to include in a group.

Now...the important step.....
A lock will appear at the edge of the group
and you just left click it to group the objects. can simply left click/drag a box
around the group and when you release the
mouse button the lock will appear.

OK...once you have the objects grouped...
right click the picture and choose copy...

Now you should be able to paste the group
on any page you wish. can reposition the Group by left
click/drag or use your arrow keys.


John Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk

Thanks, John,

That was helpful. From your comments I was able to group the text boxes and
move them as one unit. However, i still can't move text and text boxes as one
grouped unit. I can only do one at at time. I am able to move the grouped
text boxes first and then move the surrounding text afterwards. The result is
that I can maintain the original page formatting but it's very cumbersome. I
was hoping there was a way to move blocks of text and objects together.

I'm also finding it difficult to post replies here as all my replies attach
to the back end of others' replies instead of being discrete replies.



JoAnn Paules

I'm not sure what you mean by "move text and text boxes". All test is inside
a text box. You can move entire pages of assorted items as one unit, as long
as they are at least selected, if not grouped.

Also, the web interface is a lot like my Kirby vacuum clearner - it sucks
big time. Try using a newsreader instead. or


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

John Inzer

JoAnn said:
Also, the web interface is a lot like my Kirby vacuum clearner - it
sucks big time. Try using a newsreader instead.


John Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk


Mary's answer stands: "You can move text boxes and objects together, but not
blocks of text and

You can edit the page layout and move any "objects" or the "design elements"
such as a text box, an image, etc. individually or as a group, but text is
not an object or a design element. Text is *within* a design is
within a text box. Think of each text box as an individual Word doc. You can
move text within the text box just like you can a Word doc, or you can copy,
cut and paste to other Word docs...or text boxes. However, editing the page
layout and editing the individual design elements are two different
operations that cannot be combined.

While I haven't used Indesign, I would not expect it or any other DTP to be
any different.




You answered my question . . . unfortunately. I couldn't find a way to move
text and objects together. I had small text boxes as objects within the
larger page text box and was going crazy with this. Personally, I then don't
know how anyone can use this program if they have to edit text and graphics
together when writing a book. I have photos and other objects interspaced
with text all throughout this book and in attempting to edit it, I have no
simple solution then with Publisher. I'm told InDesign allows you to move
text and objects together.

The only reason I purchased Publisher instead of using Word, which would be
simpler to edit, was because of the need to position graphics on the page
very specifically in relation to text. So now that I can do that, it's
infuriating that I can't move both together. I will have to move paragraphs
around numerous times in editing and I can't see how anyone can use this
program if they are writing a book with text and graphics that needs constant

I will probably have to now go out and purchase Pagemaker, which allows you
to put Publisher files in PDF's then have to spend about $800 for Indesign;
otherwise, it will take me longer to edit this book in Publsiher than write

In any case, I'm glad you clarified this so I won't have to waste any more



Mary Sauer

Erika, Blindy wants to move blocks of text & objects together, not text boxes
and objects. Publisher cannot do this

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