moving to different forms



I know that the unique ID number and the report not are not related.
I use the unique ID number as the membership no in my database.
I need to be able to move automatically between two related membership forms
by using a command button.
I have used the Goto command but that only lets me use the record numbers
and when I delete membership the record numbers all change so that is no good.
How do I move from one membership form to another using the unique ID number
and a command button which when pressed goes to the selected form without
having to enter the id number each time. I did achieve this using macros and
GOto record numbersbut as siad that does not work satis.


I don't know if I understand your question yet but if you have two seperate
forms opening based on the other you could usethe following:

docmd.openform "yourformname",,, "id-field =" & me.idfield '-> for
docmd.openform "yourformname",,, "id-field ='" & me.idfield & "'" '-> for

if you are using subforms you could link the by the keyfield you are looking

If I misread your post please let me know and i'll look in to it again...



Thanks for your comment.
I have a membership database and two categories of member (1) Ordinary and
(2) family. Each member is individual usaully husband and wife.
I need to be able to move between these two member forms by using a command
button. The two forms are not based on each other and the membership numbers
may be way apart, the forms open individually by inputing the name of the
member or membership number. It is the interaction between the two forms that
I need. Hope that helps.




I get your point. I still think that you can use the functionality I
presented you earlier. When creating a textbox on your form and enter your
search criteria in there you can still use the same technique. If you use a
string value you'd have to use the second option though.

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