Mozila Firefox




I use Publisher 2003 and my website is not displayed correct in
MozilaFirefox Browser, is anything that i can do to fix it???


Go to Tools > Options > web tab and uncheck "rely on vml..." and "allow
png". This will fix most cross browser issues. If it does not work for you,
then post a link to a page where you are having problems, and specifically
tell us what is not working.



I always use these settings you mentioned above..

The problem is in these pages:

1) ( the "book now" button is not
displayed correctly"

2) ( on the left top corner displayed only the
greek flag but i have also the british flag with the translation in english )

i think in this pag is the most serious problem, when i open this page i get
a small window that is written " access for and asking
for user name and password"

I have find all these problems in my brother's computer that use VISTA and

Do you know what i can do?

Thanks a lot
Panagiotis Papadopoulos


1. The book now button is displaying correctly. Look at its position as
compared to the text in the middle column. What isn't displaying correctly
is the text in the right hand column listing the hotels. Notice how the
spacing between the different hotel listings is much bigger in FF? This is
probably a formatting problem, but it is hard to troubleshoot without seeing
the Pub file. Can you describe to me how you formatted that text box? Run
the design checker and maybe it will tell you what you are doing wrong.

If you haven't already downloaded and installed FF on your computer you
should do so if only to text your site. It is a small download and an easy
install. Once you have it installed you can direct the html output when you
Publish to the Web to somewhere on your computer where you can find the
files. Then right click the .htm file and open with FF.

2 and 3 are probably caused by the use of a Master Page. You should not use
a Master Page with a Publisher web publication. Move the images on the
Master Page to the main publication page, and try it again. And it never
hurts to run the Design Checker...



Thank you David,

1. In my pub file in order to get the " Book now" button in the correct
position that i wanted, i had placed it on the text of the hotels...with that
way when i made web page preview i got it in the correct place. So actually
thats mean that the problem is in Internet explorer and not in firefox..i
didnt know about the design checker, so now when i run it i got " story in
text in overflow" but it couldnt fix the problem.
I will try to redisign my page maybe i have make there some mistakes

2 and 3) ok i will try to remove the things from the master page, but in
other websites i hadnt any problem with the master page and the FF.

Thanks a lot for the advises


You might try clear all the formatting from that text box. Select it, Format
Styles and Formatting > Clear Formatting. You will probably need to change
the font and font size again, and possibly resize your text box, but the
text box will probably render the same in FF and IE.



I tryied but unfortunatelly it dosent work, tomorrow i will try to delete all
the page and redign it from the start..but i am not very optimistic because
just now i checked my website in many other browsers and in some of them the
graphic display is like a mess..
anyway i am happy that 87% of my visitors use IE :)


Dear David,

I have remove the master page as you told me and still i get this error when
anyone trying to access any other page ( except the home page ) with FIREFOX

Access FTP://
please enter user name and password

Do you know anything else that i can do???? you can see it here




I checked each link on the main menu in in FF and
had no problem. Are you sure you are talking about this site?

However the original link you gave me with the FTP problem was:
and it does still have the problem. It also appears that you have not
removed the content from the master page on that page. The banner image in the upper left corner behind the flags
does not load, so it appears that at least that is still on the master page.
Try again?



The bad news...there is no bad news. Every page from the main menu, hotels,
image gallery, attractions, flights, and contact us work just fine in least for me. I just tried them again. Perhaps if you are still
having problems with those pages, try emptying your internet cache before
you view those pages, and/or CTRL + F5 to force a reload. FF seems to do a
very good job of caching pages...and perhaps that is why you are still
getting the error.

Someone else out there want to try these pages with FF and see if I am just
lucky? We would appreciate your help.

And by the way, that popup script you use on the photo gallery is cool...



Yes you were right...i have delete all the temporary internet files and the
cache and now finally it works good:) the only problem i have ( and i would
like please to check if you can see the same) is in the first page the "
History of Bratislava" and " Weather in Bratislava" hyperlinks it dosent
work... ( in FF )

Do you have any idea what could be the problem?


That is good news...glad it is working now.

My first guess as to why the History and Weather links don't work in FF, is
that you have those text boxes grouped together or with some other design
element on your page. Open your Pub doc, and select one of the text it grouped with another design element? There will be a little
icon that looks like two squares within a square below the group of elements
that are grouped together...ungroup them and see if that fixes the problem.
Generally use "grouping" to layout your page, but before you publish it,
ungroup. Then if you need to move things later, just regroup before you move

And since you brought the subject up, if you mouseover your bottom navbar,
you will notice those links don't work either in FF. Once again the problem
is grouping, but the solution is a bit different. This time you will need to
ungroup the bottom navbar from the side navbar that you built with the
Publisher navbar wizard. Select the bottom navbar, go to Arrange > Ungroup.
Before you do this though, you need to know that once you do this if you
want to add another page to that website the navbar wizard will let you add
a navbar button to the side navbar, but not the bottom one. I usually
recommend that you wait to do this until you are pretty sure that you won't
be adding any pages to the main menu, but as you probably won't be adding
any pages to the main site, this probably won't be a problem. If you do
decide later to add a page, you can manually add the link to the bottom
navbar, or even rebuild the navbar.

Let me know if ungrouping the History and Weather text boxes fixes those



Great!! the ungrouping for the bottom links works...but for the "hisotry"
link i cannot use it becuase its not grouping.

I have add another history link exactly below the origianl "history", in
this link i didnt add colour in the text box ( the green colour ) and i see
it do you think the problem can be the format of the text box?

Also David i want to ask you another question to tell me if you know..what
you think is better for the search engines:

1) to add a hyperlink to another page of my website through ex. "page3"
2) or to add like

I mean that a search engine is better to see the link like URL or like
internal website link???



Sometimes a fill color can convert the whole text box to an image and kill
the link. Try changing the fill color to a solid color instead of the
gradient fill color, and see if that works.

Page 3 or index_history.htm ? I am not an expert on search engine
optimization, but I have read where having a descriptive file name is
better. That would mean the index_history.htm page would be better.



Yes its true, the problem is the mixed colours in the textboxes..i tried with
a single colour and it works but finally becuase i like the gradient fill
color i have add a hot spot on the text box in order to solve the its ok.

Now that you help me with all issues about the FF, its time for work, i have
to correct it in all my websites.

David thanks a lot for your valuable advises!!!

Best regards


That is a good workaround...thanks for sharing it.

As you edit the rest of your site, remember how fill color can convert all
the text in a text box to an image. When you are doing a small "button like"
text box like your History links buttons, I think your approach is the best
idea. However, if the text box is large, or perhaps your primary message,
you don't want that to be converted to an image. The search engines spiders
can't index images...they can't read the converted text. So even if there
isn't a link in that text, you should generally try to avoid converting your
text to an image. Your "button" is an exception...there really isn't any
text to read...the robots will just read the link.

To test to see if the text has been converted to an image try to left click,
drag and select some text in the web preview in FF. If you can't select the
text, it has been converted to an image.

Then if you really want the fill color look, and want the text to stay text
there is another workaround. Remove all fill from the primary text box. Then
create another text box that is the same size as the primary text box. If
you go to Arrange > Snap and make sure all the options are checked, then
when you draw the second text box on top of the first, the sides will snap
to each other and you will have two identical sized text boxes. Then fill
the second text box with the fill color you want, and go to the Arrange menu
and send the second text box to the back and you will see it through the
first text box with the text that is clear. You will end up with the same
look as you had before, but this way the text will remain text, and any
hyperlinks will remain active when you publish your page.

You are welcome. I think you will be able to troubleshoot any other cross
browser issues now, but feel free to post back. Good luck to you.


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