In my previous posting I wanted to...
I accomplished this by adjusting HTML code produced by
FP2003 hotspot properties to the following...
<map name="FPMap0">
<area coords="238, 1, 490, 16"
where Name_Def is the layer ID
I have 17 hotspots on a screen shot of software I have
written over the years to operate my bar. I am using the
above code to show definitions of these different areas of
that screen shot, using layers to hold the definitions.
The only down side I have seen is if I move the mouse to
fast (really fast) it will show the appropriate layer and
then leave it up, because I guess it did'nt see the
mouseout while bringing up that layer.
Mr. Buyens do you have any thoughts.
In my previous posting I wanted to...
I want a mouseover on a hotspot of a picture on a page to
change the visibility of a layer on the same page.
The picture and the layer are on the same page.
I accomplished this by adjusting HTML code produced by
FP2003 hotspot properties to the following...
<map name="FPMap0">
<area coords="238, 1, 490, 16"
where Name_Def is the layer ID
I have 17 hotspots on a screen shot of software I have
written over the years to operate my bar. I am using the
above code to show definitions of these different areas of
that screen shot, using layers to hold the definitions.
The only down side I have seen is if I move the mouse to
fast (really fast) it will show the appropriate layer and
then leave it up, because I guess it did'nt see the
mouseout while bringing up that layer.
Mr. Buyens do you have any thoughts.