Mauricio Silva
Hi there, I hope somebody can help me
Is there a way to MS Access receive emails not using Outlook?
After some research, I found out that, using the Outlook reference library I
could link MS Access with Outlook o send and receive emails, but it means the
user must have outlook opens all the time so MS Access can use it to send
What I am try to accomplish is an application tha would receive a
pre-formated email from a web application for applications issues, the MS
Access would receive this emails directly, catalog them and send out email to
respective responsibles. So far, I need the Access to be opened in somebody's
machine and these emaisl should be sent to one's personal email.
Can I create an email account where ONLY MSAccess would access, with no need
to have an opened Outlook ?
Thank you in advance
Mauricio Silva
Is there a way to MS Access receive emails not using Outlook?
After some research, I found out that, using the Outlook reference library I
could link MS Access with Outlook o send and receive emails, but it means the
user must have outlook opens all the time so MS Access can use it to send
What I am try to accomplish is an application tha would receive a
pre-formated email from a web application for applications issues, the MS
Access would receive this emails directly, catalog them and send out email to
respective responsibles. So far, I need the Access to be opened in somebody's
machine and these emaisl should be sent to one's personal email.
Can I create an email account where ONLY MSAccess would access, with no need
to have an opened Outlook ?
Thank you in advance
Mauricio Silva