MS Access Append Query


Confused User

I have 2 tables in one MS Access 2000 database. I wish to
take data from table 1 and append to table 2. All I want
to do is add the records from 1 to 2. Since these tables
do not have the same structure, I wrote an Append Query to
take fields from table 1 and specified which fields in
table 2 should be populated with these data. The rest of
the fields in table 2 are not required. Table 1 had 2357
records. When I tried to run the query, I got a msg
saying that 1.5 million records will be added to table 2.
Since that wasn't correct, I aborted this query. I then
set up a join relationship between the 2 tables based on a
common field saying to take all records from table 1 and
matching records from table 2. This time I got a msg
saying that 2373 records will be added. The additional 16
records were from table 1, because these were matching
records from table 2. The only way I got this to work was
by joining 2 completely unrelated fields so that there
would be no overlaps. This seems ridiculous. There
doesn't seem to be any way to simply add from table 1.
The join relationship gives 3 options - only equal records
from both tables or all of table 1 and matching records
from table 2 or all of table 2 and matching records from
table 1. Nothing just simply to take records from table 1
and add to table 2. Any suggestions?

Thanks. Confused user.

Lynn Trapp

INSERT into Table2 (Field1, Field2, Field3,...)
SELECT Field1, Field2, Field3,...
FROM Table1;

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