Tommy DN
I want to write this SQL-query in MS Access:
INSERT INTO functie ( [afdeling - id], naam )
VALUES (1, 'test');
But when I save it and I execute it, it doesn't work because Access
delete the spaces in my field.
INSERT INTO functie ( [afdeling-id], naam )
VALUES (1, 'test');
But my field name is "afdeling - id". The SQL works fine in VB.Net, but
cannot be used as a query in the database itself. Is there a solution
without renaming the field? I tried everything.
INSERT INTO functie ( [afdeling - id], naam )
VALUES (1, 'test');
But when I save it and I execute it, it doesn't work because Access
delete the spaces in my field.
INSERT INTO functie ( [afdeling-id], naam )
VALUES (1, 'test');
But my field name is "afdeling - id". The SQL works fine in VB.Net, but
cannot be used as a query in the database itself. Is there a solution
without renaming the field? I tried everything.