MS Access - Five and Seven day queries



Good Day Experts


I have a query in which I am trying to create to address the following data
in my table. The coding is created in two parts

Changes completed (qryTask):

SELECT [tblWorkload Information Tracker].ProductionAssigned, [tblWorkload
Information Tracker].DatatrakNumber, [tblWorkload Information
Tracker].DateReceived, [tblWorkload Information Tracker].WorkType,
[tblWorkload Information Tracker].WorkCategory, [tblWorkload Information
Tracker].EffectiveDate, [tblWorkload Information Tracker].QandALead,
[tblWorkload Information Tracker].QAComplete, (IsNull([QAComplete])+1) AS
Done, ([QAComplete]-[DateReceived]) AS Elapsed
FROM [tblWorkload Information Tracker]
WHERE ((([tblWorkload Information Tracker].QAComplete) Between [Beginning
Date] And [Ending Date]));

Changes completed in 5 and 7 days: qryTaskInterval

SELECT [tblWorkload Information Tracker].ProductionAssigned AS Expr1,
[tblWorkload Information Tracker].DatatrakNumber AS Expr2, [tblWorkload
Information Tracker].DateReceived AS Expr3, [tblWorkload Information
Tracker].WorkType AS Expr4, [tblWorkload Information Tracker].WorkCategory AS
Expr5, [tblWorkload Information Tracker].EffectiveDate AS Expr6, [tblWorkload
Information Tracker].QandALead AS Expr7, [tblWorkload Information
Tracker].QAComplete AS Expr8, [Elapsed] AS Expr10, IIf([Elapsed]<=5,1,0) AS
5_Day, IIf([Elapsed]<=7,1,0) AS 7_Day
FROM [tblWorkload Information Tracker]
WHERE ((([tblWorkload Information Tracker].QAComplete) Between [Beginning
Date] And [Ending Date]));

Desired Results:

What I would like assistance with is combining the two queries with no
duplicates and how to include:
The total number of entries completed'
The total number of entries = 5 days and percent to the total completed’
The total number of entries = 7 days and percent to the total completed’
How to exclude holidays and weekends

Any assistance you can provide would be much appreciated. (db included)

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