MS Access SQL, HELP!!!



Help me write this for MS access, I'm used to Oracle, and I'm really
bad at coding SQL! -

SELECT Users.*, group_1, group_2, group_3


(select UserInGroup.UserID,

max(decode(UserInGroup.GroupID, 1, UserInGroup.GroupID, null))
as group_1,

max(decode(UserInGroup.GroupID, 2, UserInGroup.GroupID, null))
as group_2,

max(decode(UserInGroup.GroupID, 2, UserInGroup.GroupID, null))
as group_3

from Users u, UserInGroup g

where u.UserID = g.UserID

and u.GroupID in (1,2,3)

group by u.UserID

Jerry Whittle

Decode is an Oracle thing and won't work in Access. At least I've never tried
it. Also your decode statement might have a flaw as you are doing
"UserInGroup.GroupID, 2," twice.

Try this SQL and see if it gets you in the ballpark.

DMax("[GroupID]","Users","GroupID = 1") AS group_1,
DMax("[GroupID]","Users","GroupID = 2") AS group_2,
DMax("[GroupID]","Users","GroupID = 3") AS group_3
FROM Users u, UserInGroup g
WHERE u.UserID = g.UserID
and u.GroupID in (1, 2, 3)


We're getting somewhere - I'm not sure where, but somewhere!

thanks so much for your help!

Access changed the querry a bit when I opened it in design view, and it
is still not returning exactly what I want:

DMax("[GroupID]"," UserInGroup","GroupID = 1") AS group_1,
DMax("[GroupID]"," UserInGroup","GroupID = 2") AS group_2,
DMax("[GroupID]"," UserInGroup","GroupID = 3") AS group_3
FROM Users AS u, UserInGroup AS g
WHERE (((u.UserID)=[g].[UserID]) AND ((g.GroupID) In (1,2,3)))

Essentially what I want to do is return all from Users and GroupID from
UsersInGroup where UserID matches. Then put it in a new column instead
of a new row if there is a secondary group.

Ergo - return all info from a record in Users. Then, in Users in Group,
return all groups that record is in, and add it to that records row as
extra columns.

Currently, I can get all the data:

SELECT Users.*, UserInGroup.GroupID
FROM Users INNER JOIN UserInGroup ON Users.UserID = UserInGroup.UserID;

But that returns a new row for every record in a new group. What I want
to do is return all records with all groups in only one record.

Thanks in advance.


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