MS Access Storing Users Hours Worked on Task in MS Project


chuck Slocter

I have a Time Sheet application written in MS Access. I need MS Access to
add Users hours worked for a tasks in MS Project.

Joe enters in the Access Timesheet application that he worked on Task 1 for
2 hour on 8/1/06 and 3 hours on 8/3/06.

In access I can open MS project and view/edit Tasks.

Dim prjApp As MSProject.Application
Dim prjProject As MSProject.Project
Dim intTask As Integer
Set prjApp = CreateObject("Msproject.Application")
prjApp.FileOpen "c:\ProjectTracking.mpp", ReadOnly:=False
prjApp.Visible = True

Set prjProject = prjApp.ActiveProject

for x = 1 to prjProject.tasks.count

debug.Print prjProject.tasks(x).resourcenames

next x

I do not want to update the Tasks Actual Hours worked. I want to add an
entry that joe worked on different days.


Rod Gill

You need to use the Timescaledata method to set hours worked each day. If
you don't want to update Actual work then you need to update Work. For
accuracy you will need to export to your timesheet system, or get your users
to enter Unique ID's. If not, then if the PM adds or deletes a task and all
ID numbers change your system will edit the wrong task. Unique ID's prevent

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