MS Access Template: Service Call Management Database



If you need assistance setting up a database to track dollars spent or
contributed by states, I can help you. I charge a modest fee. Contact me at
(e-mail address removed).


John... Visio MVP

Steve said:
If you need assistance setting up a database to track dollars spent or
contributed by states, I can help you. I charge a modest fee. Contact me
at (e-mail address removed).


These newsgroups are provided Microsoft for FREE peer to peer support, not
as an arena for a snake oil salesman to hawk his questionable wares.

Stevie has proven many times that he is not really qualified to offer help
even if the help is for free.

John... Visio MVP


Ignore the two posters here! I can help you set up a database to track
dollars spent or
contributed by states. If you would like my help, contact me at
(e-mail address removed).


John... Visio MVP

Steve said:
Ignore the two posters here! I can help you set up a database to track
dollars spent or
contributed by states. If you would like my help, contact me at
(e-mail address removed).


These newsgroups are provided by Microsoft for FREE peer to peer support.

He is only here to abuse the newsgroups and con unsuspecting posters out of
their hard earned money and he provides questionable results.

Anyone who objects to his behaviour can complain to his ISP.

John... Visio MVP


Don't let this guy's false MVP credentials mislead you. He is here only to
commit a malicious persecution campaign against me and legal action is being
prepared agains him.



I noticed that nobody answered except for on of the common abusers offering
to help for money and then the reaction to that.

Asking for help with a "template" is usually unproductive in these forums.
The respondents are usually experts in database and Access design. They
usually are not going to be familiar with or interested in learning somebody
else's work (to answer your question) which is what a "template" is.

You might want to repost describing the nature of the data that you want to
record and what you want to accomplish with it, and ask for help with a table
structure which will support accomplishing what you want to do. That
structure would become the foundation for the other work (queries, form,
reports, etc.) to finish the job.


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