I want to put a calculated number on a Form. The Form has numerous data from
a table, plus a few calculated numbers. The calculation I want to do uses
data from the same table. The calculation is very long because I must
calculate a certain time period (employee's age on the previous May 1st) in
each step of an already long "iif" statement. The equation is apparently too
long for Access, because when I type (or paste) it into the "Control Source"
expression builder, I get the message that the equation has been truncated.
Because the time period calculation is repetetive, I wonder if there is a
way to name the time period (eg. [TimeM]), and then just use that name in the
How can I get around this?
-Is there a way to expand the "Control Source" expression builder to allow a
larger # of characters?
-Is there any way to name the repeating variable and use it in the Form?
-Is there a way to restructure the form?
I can't seem to use a query because I can't figure out how to tie the result
of the time period calculation back to the employee record in the table.
Also, when I try to set up a single query with all the data I need in the
form, I get a message that the query is too complex.
a table, plus a few calculated numbers. The calculation I want to do uses
data from the same table. The calculation is very long because I must
calculate a certain time period (employee's age on the previous May 1st) in
each step of an already long "iif" statement. The equation is apparently too
long for Access, because when I type (or paste) it into the "Control Source"
expression builder, I get the message that the equation has been truncated.
Because the time period calculation is repetetive, I wonder if there is a
way to name the time period (eg. [TimeM]), and then just use that name in the
How can I get around this?
-Is there a way to expand the "Control Source" expression builder to allow a
larger # of characters?
-Is there any way to name the repeating variable and use it in the Form?
-Is there a way to restructure the form?
I can't seem to use a query because I can't figure out how to tie the result
of the time period calculation back to the employee record in the table.
Also, when I try to set up a single query with all the data I need in the
form, I get a message that the query is too complex.