MS Access- update checkbox field based on other checkboxfields in same table..



The functionality I'm trying to implement seems pretty straight forward but I can't figure it out.

I have a table with a list of requirements. Each requirement can belong to several organizations. The table will have a field for each organization and for each org. that a requirement belongs to the end user will click the check box in that org. field. For example, a hypothetical requirement #5579 which belongs to Org1 and Org3:

Table Fields: Req # Org1 Org2 Org3
Data: 5579 [X] [ ] [X]

( A check box is represented by the [ ] and [X])

So far so good. But on top of that I want to add logic to some of the check box fields. For example Org2 and Org3 may be sub-sets of Org1 so that if Org1 is checked Org2 & Org3 will get checked automatically.

Any ideas?

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