We use MS Address Book 6.00.2800.1409 and Word 2002 (10.6612.6626)SP3.
I have all of my addresses entered into MS Address Book and want to us
the envelope/label feature of Word to create envelopes and labels.
When I click on the address book in the Evelope/Label pop-up, I get th
Select Name pop-up with "All Address" in the dropdown window. When
pull down the All Address menu, I don't see my personal address book.
Is there a way to change the settings to access the hundreds o
addresses I have entered
I have all of my addresses entered into MS Address Book and want to us
the envelope/label feature of Word to create envelopes and labels.
When I click on the address book in the Evelope/Label pop-up, I get th
Select Name pop-up with "All Address" in the dropdown window. When
pull down the All Address menu, I don't see my personal address book.
Is there a way to change the settings to access the hundreds o
addresses I have entered