In Access 2003 running Vista.
I have a query that is based on a crosstab query. The crosstab is
based on a filter query that has criteria that comes from a combo box
on a form. The crosstab works fine. When I try to run the query that
my report is based on, I get the error message, "The Microsoft Jet
database engine does not recognize 'qryAllRespPct' as a valid field
name or expression." "qryAllRespPct" is the name of the query that is
trying to run (!).
I have tried removing the ID field that uses the combo box as filter
criterion, but that didn't help.
Here is the SQL. Ideas?
SELECT qxtAllRespCount.SrvName, qxtAllRespCount.QstnGroup,
qxtAllRespCount.QstnLvl1, qxtAllRespCount.QstnText, qxtAllRespCount.
[Total Of RspnsID] AS TotResp, IIf([Never] Is Null,0,[Never]) AS
NeverZ, [NeverZ]/[TotResp] AS [Never%], IIf([Rarely] Is Null,0,
[Rarely]) AS RarelyZ, [RarelyZ]/[TotResp] AS [Rarely%], IIf
([Sometimes] Is Null,0,[Sometimes]) AS SometimesZ, [SometimesZ]/
[TotResp] AS [Somtimes%], IIf([Usually] Is Null,0,[Usually]) AS
UsuallyZ, [UsuallyZ]/[TotResp] AS [Usually%], IIf([Always] Is Null,0,
[Always]) AS AlwaysZ, [AlwaysZ]/[TotResp] AS [Always%], IIf([No
Response] Is Null,0,[No Response]) AS NoResponseZ, [NoResponseZ]/
[TotResp] AS [NoResponse%]
FROM qxtAllRespCount;
I wonder if this could be a Vista issue since this worked last year
running on an XP machine. I didn't make any changes that would affect
the query. I'm stumped!
I have a query that is based on a crosstab query. The crosstab is
based on a filter query that has criteria that comes from a combo box
on a form. The crosstab works fine. When I try to run the query that
my report is based on, I get the error message, "The Microsoft Jet
database engine does not recognize 'qryAllRespPct' as a valid field
name or expression." "qryAllRespPct" is the name of the query that is
trying to run (!).
I have tried removing the ID field that uses the combo box as filter
criterion, but that didn't help.
Here is the SQL. Ideas?
SELECT qxtAllRespCount.SrvName, qxtAllRespCount.QstnGroup,
qxtAllRespCount.QstnLvl1, qxtAllRespCount.QstnText, qxtAllRespCount.
[Total Of RspnsID] AS TotResp, IIf([Never] Is Null,0,[Never]) AS
NeverZ, [NeverZ]/[TotResp] AS [Never%], IIf([Rarely] Is Null,0,
[Rarely]) AS RarelyZ, [RarelyZ]/[TotResp] AS [Rarely%], IIf
([Sometimes] Is Null,0,[Sometimes]) AS SometimesZ, [SometimesZ]/
[TotResp] AS [Somtimes%], IIf([Usually] Is Null,0,[Usually]) AS
UsuallyZ, [UsuallyZ]/[TotResp] AS [Usually%], IIf([Always] Is Null,0,
[Always]) AS AlwaysZ, [AlwaysZ]/[TotResp] AS [Always%], IIf([No
Response] Is Null,0,[No Response]) AS NoResponseZ, [NoResponseZ]/
[TotResp] AS [NoResponse%]
FROM qxtAllRespCount;
I wonder if this could be a Vista issue since this worked last year
running on an XP machine. I didn't make any changes that would affect
the query. I'm stumped!