MS Office 2003, multiple profiles and Ghost image




I manage 250 PCs for a lab. Recently we commissioned a consultant group
to put together a new image for the lab that will work with Active
Our students can log onto windows on any machine in the lab yet their
profiles are not roaming. The way this consultant group configured the
image, a student can log into Windows with their unique user name and
password and use MS Office without it prompting to install or

A couple of weeks ago, I was told to upgrade to Office 2003 for some
reason and by this time the company that put our image together and
designed our Active Directory have closed out with us. I upgraded to
office 2003 (we were using Office XP) thinking that all I had to do was
make sure all Office apps would be installed and opened upon first use
and registered under administration login.
When I tested a regular student login, I was prompted by Windows
installer. I made sure to leave install files on the PC because I
feared this would happen and that upon logon of another user, they
would need the CD.
So far I cannot find a fix for this issue and the guy that actually
configured the original image was a temp working with the consultant
agency, so he cannot be contacted to find out what work-around he used
to fix the windows installer issue for multiple logins with Office.

Some more background:
We use Ghost 8 console and Deep freeze which deletes all user profiles
from the HD upon logout.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions on how to get Office 2003 to open
with any user.

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