MS Office 2007 crashes when Dell Print Drivers are installed


Paul Heckmann

I recently received 7 new Vista machines with Office 2007 on them. When I
added the drivers for the networked Dell 5100 and 5110 laser printers, no
office app will work - they crash. Take the drivers off and they work fine.

A Dell employee said on 3-6 that it was a known issue with 2007, but I've
not been able to find a link to that info.

I've got 14 more machines coming and need to resolve this issue. Any
assistance to either a fix or a place to keep an eye on developements would
be appreciated. Thanks. Paul

Paul Heckmann

Mary Sauer said:
Tried these already back when they were issued in February. None of them fix
the issue. Here's what the fellow from Dell said on March 6th: "It is an
known issue with office 2007 not having any printer compatibility with dell
printer according to the microsoft site so you will have to wait and see if
microsoft releases a patch to correct this".

Patrick Schmid [MVP]

Microsoft investigated this and the issue lays with Dell (and has for
more than half a year by now). I think there are MS drivers for those
Dell printers that ship with Vista. Have you looked into that?

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]
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Paul Heckmann

Microsoft investigated this and the issue lays with Dell (and has for
more than half a year by now). I think there are MS drivers for those
Dell printers that ship with Vista. Have you looked into that?

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]

Paul Heckmann

Microsoft investigated this and the issue lays with Dell (and has for
more than half a year by now). I think there are MS drivers for those
Dell printers that ship with Vista. Have you looked into that?

Patrick Schmid [OneNote MVP]

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Paul,

MS's position is that it's Dell, and the link to the Dell site is at the bottom of the article

You may want to open a support call with MS if you're getting a different answer from Dell. At one point Lexmark, Dell and others
weren't planning on updating certain drivers for Office 2007.

Patrick, unfortunately I've tried every driver out there. Dell is telling me
it's MS, (see note above) not them. Paul <<

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


I'm having the same issues. Spent over 2 hours hour on the phone with Dell
with no solution found. The funny thing is that it worked before I replaced
the HD. It is also working on 2 other laptop computers, but not on this one
since the reinstallation of the OS and software. I have a Dell Laser Printer
model 3010CN. All my computers are running Vista. This has to be a MS problem.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Does Office 2007 work without the Dell drivers installed? If yes, it is a Dell problem, not Microsoft.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, jetmech1 asked:

| I'm having the same issues. Spent over 2 hours hour on the phone with
| Dell with no solution found. The funny thing is that it worked before
| I replaced the HD. It is also working on 2 other laptop computers,
| but not on this one since the reinstallation of the OS and software.
| I have a Dell Laser Printer model 3010CN. All my computers are
| running Vista. This has to be a MS problem.
| "Paul Heckmann" wrote:
|| I recently received 7 new Vista machines with Office 2007 on them.
|| When I added the drivers for the networked Dell 5100 and 5110 laser
|| printers, no office app will work - they crash. Take the drivers off
|| and they work fine.
|| A Dell employee said on 3-6 that it was a known issue with 2007, but
|| I've not been able to find a link to that info.
|| I've got 14 more machines coming and need to resolve this issue. Any
|| assistance to either a fix or a place to keep an eye on
|| developements would be appreciated. Thanks. Paul


While I'll agree that Dell needs better drivers, MS should have develope
software that would actually work with the equipment we already have. I'm not
a MS basher, I actually like most MS products, but Vista and Office 2007 have
been nothing but a pain to work with.

Paul Heckmann

After a lot of different fix trys, I finally got this one to work. First,
delete all drivers relating to XP (or older) for the printer you're having
issues with. Then, go to the Dell website and download the Vista drivers -
write down the location if you can't remember it. Next, add a LOCAL printer
(NOT NETWORK), "create a new port", add a "TCP/IP" port, add the LAN IP for
both the host name/IP and the port name. Add the Vista drivers and you should
be good to go.

This should give you a bandaid until Dell gives a fix.


Thanks Paul. I printed your info and will give it a try the next time I
reinstall Vista and Office 2007. I was trying to install another program
yesterday and Vista was fighting me (this was a Vista certified program), so
I just got fed up with all the agravation, so I reinstalled XP Pro and and
Office 2003, now all is well. I still have one computer with Vista running
and as long as it functions ok I let it stay. As of now I really feel let
down by MS on this issue.

Paul Heckmann

Hi Jetmech. This fix has been in place since last week with no problems. I'm
keeping my fingers crossed. Now if my firewall can just start working with
Vista so I don't have to create MAC exceptions...ooops, that's another

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