MS Office Compatibility Pack Issues with Office 2003 Pro


Chris H.

I installed the Office Compatibility Pack on a client running XP Pro SP3
yesterday and experienced horrible issues with Outlook functioning.
Essentially his Outlook would freeze up with the message "Synchronizing
folders". If left long enough, eventually a Windows error message would
display complaining of a delayed write failure error. The Outlook pst is
stored on a share located on a Win2000 server. I knew there were no network
or server issues and the client worked flawlessly before the compatibility
pack was installed. Although the client was on auto updates, I ran through
MS update, yet the major issues continued. I ended up removing the
compatibility pack and the client is operating great. Anyone else
experienced similar issues??? I notice some other general compatibility pack
problems where people are removing it, but they do not list specifics.


You are aware that MS does not support the use of a pst over a network, as
it can lead to corruption of the pst?


The Outlook pst is stored on a share located on a Win2000 server.

Then I would suggest that the installation of the compatibility pack is just
sheer coincidence. You have been EXTREMELY lucky that this didn't happen
before. Storing an active pst file on a network drive is usually the
quickest and most frequent way to corruption

Chris H.

Call me lucky. I have been running the clients this way for nearly ten years
without a problem. Immediately after the C-Pack was installed I have these
major issues and magically clears up after the C-Pack was removed... Yep,
sheer coincidence!

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