MS office Enterprise edition 2007 not supporting dialogue box of V




My application is in VB 6.0. The code written and setup created on the
machine having MS office 2003.
After installing MS Office Enterprise edition 2007 on my machine. The code
written to open the dialogue box in VB is whenever invoked, the VB
application gets terminated.
Everything else like the MS access of 97 version in VB application is
working fine.

Expected : Is to open the dialogue box.
Error Msg: No error message directly the application gets terminated.

Please help


Steve Rindsberg

Lopamudra said:

My application is in VB 6.0. The code written and setup created on the
machine having MS office 2003.
After installing MS Office Enterprise edition 2007 on my machine. The code
written to open the dialogue box in VB is whenever invoked, the VB
application gets terminated.
Everything else like the MS access of 97 version in VB application is
working fine.

Expected : Is to open the dialogue box.
Error Msg: No error message directly the application gets terminated.

Assuming that the dialog box is in VB6 as well and that you're not invoking a
dialog from the Offce app, What does the dialog box's initialization code do?

Have you traced the code while it's executing to learn where it fails?


Hi Steve,

Yes the dialog box is in VB6.0 and invoking it in the VB 6.0 application

The dialoge box code just opens a dialog box wherein he can access all the
files and folders from the system and open or save its file on the system.

If we trace the code it wont give any error on the code, it just terminates
the application.

The exe created in VB6.0 from my application runs well on all machines. It
gives problem only on the one machine which is having MS office Enterprise

Actually all the machines which are using my application have the MS office
2003 version this is the only machine which uses MS office Enterprise edition

Please help.


Peter Foldes


{ canned answer }

For Office Enterprise issues see the following. Support on this version is only
available from MS or your IT Department and we cannot help you here with the Office
Enterprise version.

Sorry but we do not know if it is Pirated or not. You should have gotten these
instructions as above on your Home Program purchase from your Company

The support for Office 2007 Enterprise is free and look and open
last question

Here you will find the Phone numbers and email addresses as to where and whom to
contact about Office Enterprise and your issue.
Scroll down to the bottom of page to North America

Steve Rindsberg

Hi Steve,

Yes the dialog box is in VB6.0 and invoking it in the VB 6.0 application

The dialoge box code just opens a dialog box wherein he can access all the
files and folders from the system and open or save its file on the system.

If we trace the code it wont give any error on the code, it just terminates
the application.

OK, but tracing should reveal which line of code causes the application to
terminate. That'd give you a starting point to investigate.

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