MS Office MUI


samuel ohwesi

Dear Colleagues,

The Microsoft Office 2003 Multilingual User Interface Pack
installs only an English version of the Analysis Toolpak.

The Analysis Toolpak is an add-on which provides some
Excel financial functions. It's a Microsoft product
installed with Office.

When you change the language of the user interface (to
french for example), the general functions of Excel (like
SUM) are translated but the analysis toolpak is not
translated, it's always in English.

All the trading Excel 97 spreadsheets in Paris use the
French version of this add-on.

For example, to calculate workdays in the French version
of Excel 97, we use

= SERIE.JOUR.OUVRE(20/05/2004,20)

In the English or multilingual version of Excel 2003, we
can only use

= WORKDAY(20/05/2004,20)

Yours Sicerely

samuel ohwesi

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