MS Office pro. 2003 - Installation Fails



Please can you advise. I have a new laptop purchased from John Lewis in
Kinston upon Thames. It came with MS Works and MS Office OneNote
pre-installed. At the same time I purchased a brand new version of MS
Office Professional 2003. This latter came with three disks. However I
have had problems installing this. The first disk was the basic
versions of the Office applications. That installed OK. The second disk
was SP1 - that too installed OK. HOWEVER the third disk was for SP2 and
this did NOT install OK. The installation of one module caused the
message "MS Onenote 2003 - Cannot Find SKU1A1.CAB". The installation
then terminated.

I guess because the installation of SP2 failed that the entire suite of
Office applications is corrupt. However for a package that cost £500
it really is not acceptable for the installation to fail due to a
missing file.

I have looked on all three disks and this file was not present.
Unforunately when I put the first disk back into the CD reader the
whole installation process started again. So this had to complete. Then
I had to do SP1 again. But then SP2 failed for the same reason.

The manufacturers have pointed me to Microsoft but not how to contact
them. John Lewis say they don't support additional software installed
whilst the laptop is under warranty. And the instalation documentation
for Office doesn't say what to do when things go wrong. Doh !!!

Please can someone advise. Many thanks. CJB.


Dear CJB,

It sounds to me like a conflict between your preinstalled software and your
retail Office Suite. This often occurs if the preinstalled versions are trial
versions, the file may not be missing.. just put somewhere that your Office
Professional doesn't expect to find it.
First off, before you do anything you should backup those files that you
wish to keep from your preinstalled version. Now Works is kind of a whole
different product so its probably not the cause of your err. To my knowledge
Office 2003 Professional comes with One note, and there might be your
problem. If your retail office installed One note there will most likely be a
conflict with the trial version. Like I said backup your data and remove the
trial from your system. That may clear up your issue.
Heres some more good advice though, anything that comes preinstalled on your
computer should have support through the manufacturer, that is if it is what
is refered to as an OEM copy. These copies are often altered by the
manufacturer to fit on a specific system and are therefore supported by
them...but some of em only have paid may find that... the
fellow who built your computer is your primary source of support but he may
not offer support. AHH! but your retail copy of Office pro comes with
unlimited installation support plus 2 free instances through Microsoft. Good
luck and I hope this helps a little.


Dear CJB,

It sounds to me like a conflict between your preinstalled software and your
retail Office Suite. This often occurs if the preinstalled versions are trial
versions, the file may not be missing.. just put somewhere that your Office
Professional doesn't expect to find it.
First off, before you do anything you should backup those files that you
wish to keep from your preinstalled version. Now Works is kind of a whole
different product so its probably not the cause of your err. To my knowledge
Office 2003 Professional comes with One note, and there might be your
problem. If your retail office installed One note there will most likely be a
conflict with the trial version. Like I said backup your data and remove the
trial from your system. That may clear up your issue.
Heres some more good advice though, anything that comes preinstalled on your
computer should have support through the manufacturer, that is if it is what
is refered to as an OEM copy. These copies are often altered by the
manufacturer to fit on a specific system and are therefore supported by
them...but some of em only have paid may find that... the
fellow who built your computer is your primary source of support but he may
not offer support. AHH! but your retail copy of Office pro comes with
unlimited installation support plus 2 free instances through Microsoft. Good
luck and I hope this helps a little.


Dear CJB,

It sounds to me like a conflict between your preinstalled software and your
retail Office Suite. This often occurs if the preinstalled versions are trial
versions, the file may not be missing.. just put somewhere that your Office
Professional doesn't expect to find it.
First off, before you do anything you should backup those files that you
wish to keep from your preinstalled version. Now Works is kind of a whole
different product so its probably not the cause of your err. To my knowledge
Office 2003 Professional comes with One note, and there might be your
problem. If your retail office installed One note there will most likely be a
conflict with the trial version. Like I said backup your data and remove the
trial from your system. That may clear up your issue.
Heres some more good advice though, anything that comes preinstalled on your
computer should have support through the manufacturer, that is if it is what
is refered to as an OEM copy. These copies are often altered by the
manufacturer to fit on a specific system and are therefore supported by
them...but some of em only have paid may find that... the
fellow who built your computer is your primary source of support but he may
not offer support. AHH! but your retail copy of Office pro comes with
unlimited installation support plus 2 free instances through Microsoft. Good
luck and I hope this helps a little.


Dear CJB,

It sounds to me like a conflict between your preinstalled software and your
retail Office Suite. This often occurs if the preinstalled versions are trial
versions, the file may not be missing.. just put somewhere that your Office
Professional doesn't expect to find it.
First off, before you do anything you should backup those files that you
wish to keep from your preinstalled version. Now Works is kind of a whole
different product so its probably not the cause of your err. To my knowledge
Office 2003 Professional comes with One note, and there might be your
problem. If your retail office installed One note there will most likely be a
conflict with the trial version. Like I said backup your data and remove the
trial from your system. That may clear up your issue.
Heres some more good advice though, anything that comes preinstalled on your
computer should have support through the manufacturer, that is if it is what
is refered to as an OEM copy. These copies are often altered by the
manufacturer to fit on a specific system and are therefore supported by
them...but some of em only have paid may find that... the
fellow who built your computer is your primary source of support but he may
not offer support. AHH! but your retail copy of Office pro comes with
unlimited installation support plus 2 free instances through Microsoft. Good
luck and I hope this helps a little.


Dear CJB,

It sounds to me like a conflict between your preinstalled software and your
retail Office Suite. This often occurs if the preinstalled versions are trial
versions, the file may not be missing.. just put somewhere that your Office
Professional doesn't expect to find it.
First off, before you do anything you should backup those files that you
wish to keep from your preinstalled version. Now Works is kind of a whole
different product so its probably not the cause of your err. To my knowledge
Office 2003 Professional comes with One note, and there might be your
problem. If your retail office installed One note there will most likely be a
conflict with the trial version. Like I said backup your data and remove the
trial from your system. That may clear up your issue.
Heres some more good advice though, anything that comes preinstalled on your
computer should have support through the manufacturer, that is if it is what
is refered to as an OEM copy. These copies are often altered by the
manufacturer to fit on a specific system and are therefore supported by
them...but some of em only have paid may find that... the
fellow who built your computer is your primary source of support but he may
not offer support. AHH! but your retail copy of Office pro comes with
unlimited installation support plus 2 free instances through Microsoft. Good
luck and I hope this helps a little.

Tim Mills

I would uninstall the OneNote product, which should also be on the CD,
failing that try and run the Office SP2 update from Ms website and go to
Office Update, this will detect what is required for themachine to be
updated, SP2 will require Windows Installer 3.1 or later


Tim Mills

I would uninstall the OneNote product, which should also be on the CD,
failing that try and run the Office SP2 update from Ms website and go to
Office Update, this will detect what is required for themachine to be
updated, SP2 will require Windows Installer 3.1 or later


Tim Mills

I would uninstall the OneNote product, which should also be on the CD,
failing that try and run the Office SP2 update from Ms website and go to
Office Update, this will detect what is required for themachine to be
updated, SP2 will require Windows Installer 3.1 or later


Tim Mills

I would uninstall the OneNote product, which should also be on the CD,
failing that try and run the Office SP2 update from Ms website and go to
Office Update, this will detect what is required for themachine to be
updated, SP2 will require Windows Installer 3.1 or later


Tim Mills

I would uninstall the OneNote product, which should also be on the CD,
failing that try and run the Office SP2 update from Ms website and go to
Office Update, this will detect what is required for themachine to be
updated, SP2 will require Windows Installer 3.1 or later


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