MS Office Setup Assistant has encountered a problem...



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

I have just installed on the computer and a network users has tried launching the application but keeps getting this error. However, on the same machine, logging in as a local user, and launching the program it brings up an error msg saying "there is a problem with the Office database." It will still let me use Word but that msg keeps coming up using the local account. I have repaired the Database Utility successfully but I still get the error msg.
I am on 12.0.0. But even with the update, still no go so I uninstalled and reinstalled and no go.

Any ideas are appreciated.


Which "update" are you referring to? The 12.0.0 you're indicating is the
original release going back over a year and a half & designed for Tiger (OS
X 10.4.x). In order to effectively run in Leopard you need SP1 (12.1.0) plus
SP2 (12.2.0) as well as the interim update 12.2.1 which came afterward --
Follow the suggestions you'll find here:


I am now on 12.1.0, I did have it at 12.2, but no go, so that is why I had put it back to 12.0.0. Why does it work for the local account and not on a network account?

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