MS Office Upgrade 4.7 > 97 > 2000


Peter Fysh

I have just purchased office XP Upgrade.
I want to load it on my new computer.
I have also have a version 97 upgrade that I previously
purchased to upgrade from Office 4.7.
Here's my problem.
Office 97 will upgrade from 4.7 but I threw away the
plastic case that 97 came in. All my CDs are now neatly
filed in an album with plastic sleeves. I had forgotten
that the activation key is on the back of the case and no
longer have it.
So I installed the old 4.7 on the new machine only to find
that new Office XP will not upgrade from 4.7.
I'm stuck.
Anyone know a way around my problem?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Peter,

You don't need to install an older Office version
to use an upgrade CD. Office 2000 upgrade will
prompt you for the qualifying product during setup
and you can 'show it' the CD for Office 97 at that

I have just purchased office XP Upgrade.
I want to load it on my new computer.
I have also have a version 97 upgrade that I previously
purchased to upgrade from Office 4.7.
Here's my problem.
Office 97 will upgrade from 4.7 but I threw away the
plastic case that 97 came in. All my CDs are now neatly
filed in an album with plastic sleeves. I had forgotten
that the activation key is on the back of the case and no
longer have it.
So I installed the old 4.7 on the new machine only to find
that new Office XP will not upgrade from 4.7.
I'm stuck.
Anyone know a way around my problem? >>
Hope that helps,

Bob Buckland ?:) MS Office Products family MVP
*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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