MS Office X translates PPT to Word



The problem is that incoming PPT documents are translated to text or
excel, not PPT!

I have a 2002 iBook with Panther v.10.4.11. It is loaded with MS
Office X 2004 - v. 10.1.6.

The mac does not always translate incoming PPT attachments to PPT.
Instead, it offers choices for excel, text, even word! PPT has

How can I successfully download attachments in PPT onto my mac with
its MS Office capabilities?

Daiya Mitchell

Can you look in your Applications/Microsoft Office X folder, and see
whether the application PPT is there or not?

It may be that the system has just lost track of what to do with PPT
documents, in which case you can reset it. Select a doc you know is PPT
in the Finder--hit cmd-I to bring up the Info window. Under Open With,
set to PPT, and click the Change All button.

You can also drag an attached file right onto the PPT icon in the Dock
to tell the mac "open this file with PPT".

If neither of those help, please explain what you mean by "translate".
What do you do, and what do you see then? We can't see your screen, so
help us understand. :) And what email program?


Further to Daiya's comments:

What happens if you open them from within PPt using File> Open?

If that's still a problem;

Are you sure they are .ppt files rather than .pps or some other type?
What does Get Info tell you about the file?
What PC version of PPt was used to create the files?
Were they sent "naked" or were they zipped?

BTW: Just for clarity there is no "Office X 2004 - v. 10.1.6" - If it's
10.1.6 it's Office X, there's no 2004 about it. Office 2004 is a completely
different version (11.x) of Office:) Also, if you're at 10.1.6 you are
behind in updates - current is 10.1.9 which may make a difference. You can
get up-to-date from either program's Help> menu or from the Mactopia web


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