Glenn Maples
My name is Glenn Maples and I am a professor at the University of Louisiana.
My immediate concern [immediate being perhaps a bit premature ] is the
suites that will be offered for Office 07. My problem is that it looks like
that Access will be offered only in the professional and over suites.
I believe that this needs to be offered in student and teacher
editions--Access is a core educational product. So, who do I talk to? It
would seem unreasonable to require all HS and college students to buy
professional simply to get access.
My immediate concern [immediate being perhaps a bit premature ] is the
suites that will be offered for Office 07. My problem is that it looks like
that Access will be offered only in the professional and over suites.
I believe that this needs to be offered in student and teacher
editions--Access is a core educational product. So, who do I talk to? It
would seem unreasonable to require all HS and college students to buy
professional simply to get access.