We get the following error in the event log every couple
of days (this generages a Tivoli ticket that causes us
some work). Although we're getting this error,
everything seems to be working fine. I was trying to
find a list of error #s here, but had no luck. Can
anyone help>??
File: C:\Proj10\WebClient\source\utility\pjadorsutil2.cpp
Line: 543 Error Number: 0x800a0cc1 Description: Assert
Detected. The error code was also included.
___________________________________ Component:
ADODB.Recordset Description: Item cannot be found
of days (this generages a Tivoli ticket that causes us
some work). Although we're getting this error,
everything seems to be working fine. I was trying to
find a list of error #s here, but had no luck. Can
anyone help>??
File: C:\Proj10\WebClient\source\utility\pjadorsutil2.cpp
Line: 543 Error Number: 0x800a0cc1 Description: Assert
Detected. The error code was also included.
___________________________________ Component:
ADODB.Recordset Description: Item cannot be found