MS Project 2002 not compatible with vista


Mike W

I have tried to install SP1 onto MSp 2002 Standard having installed it on my
new laptop which runs Vista. I have got an error message about
incompatability KB830241 and have been informed on the MS website that I will
have to upgrade to MSP 2007 - obviously dont want to do that Microsoft should
make Vista compatible with all products. any suggestions how I get around

Rob Schneider

Some ideas

: Do you really need to install SP1 onto your Project 2002 Standard?
Does the release notes indicate patches you need?

: get VMWare (or equivalent) for your new laptop, run a virtual instance
of Windows XP and install the patched version of Project 2002 there.
This only a value of Vista vs. XP is the cause of the problem. I'm only

: rethink you position about not upgrading to Project 2007. Project
2002 is getting "long on the tooth", e.g. very old. As is Windows XP.

: Experiment (on another machine or on a VMWare vitural system) running
Project 2002 in Windows 7 (available for test download from Microsfot).
Could be that when/if you upgrade your computer to Windows 7 it will work?

: By the way, I don't at first glance see anything in the KB at about Vista or about upgrading to
Project 2007.


Mike W

Thanks Rob,

I have managed to get around it by running the executable directly. The SP1
update has now worked OK.


Jim Aksel

Just a note, this is a "one off" install, MS is more than likely not
supporting older than P2003 on Vista. Just eb careful, make restore points
when you do this type of thing in case you have to back it out.
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Jim Aksel, MVP

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