How can I calculate, in number of days (1....2... 1.5... etc) the Finish1 -
Start1? I enter [Finish1] - [Start1] in the formula field and receive 0.76
days for a "9-1-07" - "9-1-06" which is a year (365 days). Seems I'm close
but far away.....thanks!!
You didn't tell us two things. First, do you want working days or
calendar days? Second, you didn't say which spare field you customized?
Just for reference directly subtracting two dates may give unexpected
results because Project is subtracting the day value based on a 24 hour
day. Probably not what you want. The fact that you got a value of 0.76
tells me you probably customized a spare duration field which will
attempt to automatically format the data, usually in days (working
days), if I recall correctly.
Try the following approach. First, use a spare text field (e.g. Text1)
and customize it with one of the following formulas:
If you want calendar days
Text1= ProjDateDiff([Start],[Finish])/480
If you want working days. Note: the "480" factor is need to convert
Project's native time dimension (i.e. minutes) to working days.
Hope this helps.
Project MVP