MS-Project 2003 Enterprise Custom fields



I have in problem that is,
I've a Project plan with some start dates and finish dates and projec
is Baseline saved, when in Tracking time suppose there are having som
variance in start date and finish date then this variance we can see i
View-->Table-->Variance view and in this view the Start Var. and Finis
Var. are showing in Days but my client wants this days show i
Percentage(%) according to days. (Example, suppose there are 6 day
variance in start date,start var. is 6 days and then it should be sho
in 60% or70%.. whatever % comes according to days).
Can i show this in another column?
Is it possible through make a new Enterprise Custom field with formula
but which formula i can use for this??

any idea,any help, most appreciated..



mukulbhind said:
I have in problem that is,
I've a Project plan with some start dates and finish dates and project
is Baseline saved, when in Tracking time suppose there are having some
variance in start date and finish date then this variance we can see in
View-->Table-->Variance view and in this view the Start Var. and Finish
Var. are showing in Days but my client wants this days show in
Percentage(%) according to days. (Example, suppose there are 6 days
variance in start date,start var. is 6 days and then it should be show
in 60% or70%.. whatever % comes according to days).
Can i show this in another column?
Is it possible through make a new Enterprise Custom field with formula?
but which formula i can use for this??

any idea,any help, most appreciated..


There is a good reason why start and finish variance are shown in days -
because that's the only dimension that actually makes sense. Showing
variance as a percentage doesn't have a whole lot of meaning although
I'm sure your client thinks it does. The first question to ask is,
percentage of what? Does the client want to calculate variance as a
percentage of estimated duration, baseline duration, or something else?

If you still want to go ahead with a formula you do not need an
enterprise field to set it up, although it could be done there. If the
variance is calculated as a percentage of estimated duration, the
formula could be:
Text1=[Start Variance]/[Duration]*100 & "%"

Project MVP


Hi John,

Thanks a lot for this response really this will helpful for me.

Actually client want to see the Task variance and Project Schedule
variance, which is difference between Start and Baseline Start means
(Variance=Start-Baseline Start). Generally this difference shows in
days. But he want to see this in percentage(%) in another column.
So as you have told me in previous message.
Is there need to make a new custom field with formula?



mukulbhind said:
Hi John,

Thanks a lot for this response really this will helpful for me.

Actually client want to see the Task variance and Project Schedule
variance, which is difference between Start and Baseline Start means
(Variance=Start-Baseline Start). Generally this difference shows in
days. But he want to see this in percentage(%) in another column.
So as you have told me in previous message.
Is there need to make a new custom field with formula?


Yes, the only way to use a formula is by customizing a spare field. You
will note that I used spare Text1 in my original response.

Project MVP

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