I have in problem that is,
I've a Project plan with some start dates and finish dates and projec
is Baseline saved, when in Tracking time suppose there are having som
variance in start date and finish date then this variance we can see i
View-->Table-->Variance view and in this view the Start Var. and Finis
Var. are showing in Days but my client wants this days show i
Percentage(%) according to days. (Example, suppose there are 6 day
variance in start date,start var. is 6 days and then it should be sho
in 60% or70%.. whatever % comes according to days).
Can i show this in another column?
Is it possible through make a new Enterprise Custom field with formula
but which formula i can use for this??
any idea,any help, most appreciated..
I have in problem that is,
I've a Project plan with some start dates and finish dates and projec
is Baseline saved, when in Tracking time suppose there are having som
variance in start date and finish date then this variance we can see i
View-->Table-->Variance view and in this view the Start Var. and Finis
Var. are showing in Days but my client wants this days show i
Percentage(%) according to days. (Example, suppose there are 6 day
variance in start date,start var. is 6 days and then it should be sho
in 60% or70%.. whatever % comes according to days).
Can i show this in another column?
Is it possible through make a new Enterprise Custom field with formula
but which formula i can use for this??
any idea,any help, most appreciated..