MS Project 2003 Export to Excel 2003


Texins Karate

Using the Microsoft Project 2003 "Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel" feature
Toolbars, Analysis), I can export project Resource Work in summary to Excel
The feature creates a spreadsheet:

Months 9/1/2007 10/1/2007 11/1/2007
Resource 1
Work 13.59h 12.70h 2.38h
Resource 2
Work 0.00h 38.15h 1.85h
Resource 3
Work 0.00h 1.00h 0.58h
Resource 4
Work 0.00h 1.00h 0.00h

In a separate Excel workbook, I list the "approved" resources that are
allocated in my project budget:

9/1/2007 10/1/2007 11/1/2007
Resource 1 13.59h 12.70h 2.38h
Resource 2 0.00h 38.15h 1.85h

I need to ensure that resource names listed in MS Project match the resource
names in my Excel budget. If there is a resource listed in the MS Project
worksheet that was not listed in the budget worksheet, I want to list the
Resource Name, hours charged within the project timeline:

9/1/2007 10/1/2007 11/1/2007
Resource 3 0.00h 1.00h 0.58h
Resource 4 0.00h 1.00h 0.00h

I was going to use the VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP function to confirm the Resource
Name on row 2 of the export, but unsure how to reference the Resource Work on
row 3 for reporting.

Any assistance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


This is more an Excel question, which also begs the question of why you're
trying to do this in Excel - as it might be easier to do it in MS Project

That being said, you can accomplish this using a combination of the ADDRESS
and INDIRECT functions:

ADDRESS = returns the location of a specific cell, use this to determine
where the Resource 1 is located. Then change the values for the address to
correspond to the Resource 1 Row + 1. Use this to create a row of addresses
which correspond to the date you want.

To convert the addresses back to data, use INDIRECT on the cells below to
return the value found at each address.

May take a bit of work, but it's not too difficult. If you can do Vlookups,
you should be able to handle this....

Texins Karate

I agree that MS Project is easier and a better solution, but Excel is offered
as an enterprise solution while MS Project is only offered as a limited
license solution.

Thank you for the suggestions - I got very little response from the Excel

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