Nope - consider this scenario. My project has a single thread of 4 tasks,
each lasting one week. They are linked FS in sequence. The project starts
1 Aug. Normally the project would end 4 weeks later, 28 Aug, BUT there is a
Start No Earlier Than constraint of 21 Aug on Task 3 because that's when the
parts needed to proceed with that task will arrive. Task 1 goes from 8/1 to
8/7, task 2 from 8/8-8/14, then there's a 1 week gap of inactivity, task 3
goes from 8/21 to 8/28 and task 4 from 8/29 to 9/5 (dates approx). You'll
find the critical path doesn't start until 21 Aug. with task 3, because
while 1 and 2 certainly must be done before 3 they *could* theoretically be
delayed up to the point that task 2 finishes after 21 Aug before their delay
affects the project's finish date. Thus they are not critical tasks even
though their work may be essential. OTOH, *any* delay to 3 or 4 will
immediately effect the project finish date and so they are critical from the
In your case it sounds like a task in the middle of the project is being
delayed beyond it otherwise could start due to resource unavailability of
some sort. Perhaps he's on vacation or something. At any rate, that causes
the critical path to start with the first task he's to work on when he does
become available. The tasks before that date *could* be delayed to the
point that it eats up the time gap between when the task could begin if the
resource was available and when it is presently scheduled to begin before
they affect the project's finish date. If there's *any* delay possible,
even one minute, the task is non-critical until that delay is used up, then
it becomes critical.
Steve House [MVP]
Project Trainer & Consultant
mtbtomo said:
Thanks Steve, but if there is a thread of linked tasks (irrespective of
all the other unlinked ones) through my project, then wouldn't you expect
the critical path to run from start to finish?
You may disagree on this but if I was to say that my first couple of tasks
relate to the raising and distribution of an order - and nothing else can
proceed until this has happened. So these tasks are under a summary task
'Stock Order' and all further tasks relating to the completion of the order
are successors of this summary task. I would therefore expect, as it would
delay the project, that at least the longest sub task of 'Stock Order' would
be on the critical path.
Indeed, this is the case without any resources added. But when I add
resources the CP disappears and starts mid-project. In the first instance,
everything is still reliant on 'stock Order' happening.
If I then go into File -> Project Info and set 'schedule from project
finish date then everything turns critical. Perversely, (if I reset the
Project to schedule start to finish) if I double the available resources
then my critical path reappears from project start to finish....