MS Project Discovery Questions



1) Does Project store data in a manner that it can be manipulated via MS

2) Does anyone have experience with using Project for Staff Scheduling?
We're in a situation where we have multiple events going on simultaneously
and would like to get rid of using Excel spreadsheets to schedule. The
industry is such that we schedule to events so its not the typical model of
scheduling using the location -shift model.

Rod Gill


Until Project 2007, yes. However you can write VBA code that writes data to
any Database.

Scheduling staff can work, but as it's an ongoing activity, it technically
isn't a project. You would need a high skill level with Project to do this
and keep data accurate. Consequently when a skilled person isn't around, the
system can get messed up very easily!

Project is also single user.

I would try and find a booking software package from somewhere.


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:


Our staff scheduling is actually by event, think of having multiple concerts
in NYC through a single month with some of the concerts going on
simultaneously, others with a small over lap, still others that don't overlap
at all. My thought was to set up each event as its own project and then
schedule the resources accordingly. Since it'd be via Project Server 2007
along with Web Access (I've been doing some reading since I posted), full
visibility would be possible.

Also since the data's in a SQLServer backend to begin with, integrating it
with Access shouldn't be difficult - its not like its some wacky file format.


OK so direct editing of data in the SQLServer backend is a no-no. But what
about exporting data?

Rod Gill

As you are using Project Server 2007, I would link tables to the Reporting
database. Any edits to the data will be automatically over-written next time
a project is published. I would also investigate some of Project Server's
Data Analysis Views that you can create as they are just like pivot tables
in Excel..


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:


I'm assuming that Project Server is neccessary if you want to work with
multiple projects simulatenously? As I seem to recall from using MS Project
back in '98, its one project, one file and the information in each is
isolated from one another.

When it comes down to it, all we'll need out of Project is the information
on the project itself with some custom fields, we won't need any specifics.
The bulk of the report, which was going to be Access based, would be Project
based using Excel. The reporting isn't reporting per se, just information on
which resources have been assigned to which projects.

Jan De Messemaeker


Seems indeed Project Server may not necessarily be your best chocie as it
doesn't meet your first requirement: it will not help you to have more than
user have read/write access to a project simultaneously.
But BTW, consolidating multiple projects was already possible in Project 98
(but you may have run an even earlier version back in 98) and it is still
possible, even with Project Standard.

Hope this helps,

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:


I may have mistated the first req. The number of users able to update any
project at all would be severly limited to ten or so.

My interest in Project Server is that we need a way to see how the various
dates and timelines in multiple projects overlap one another and possibly
conflict. Its my understand that Project stores all of the information in
individual files that would have to be access in order to see the overlaps of
ALL of the projects. While PS may do the same, the server complies the
overlaps meaning that the user doesn't have.

Also, in terms of resource scheduleing, I'm under the impression that if
someone tried to assigns a resource to one project for dates that the
resource is allready committed to another that PS would alert the user.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Jan De Messemaeker


1. Project stores information in individual files but you can connect them
to a common resource pool and show them in a common master project, which
would show overlaps and overallocations.

Server will not ALERT in case of overallocations, it will allow you to see
them but it would not alert in the sense of sending or showing a message.

Hope this helps,

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:


Next Question...

How flexible is the reporting? We'd need one report that shows high-level
project information - Project Name and Start/End Dates, another report that
shows a selected number of projects with allocated resources (by date), and a
report that shows projects that a given resource is allocated to.

1. Project stores information in individual files but you can connect them
to a common resource pool and show them in a common master project, which
would show overlaps and overallocations.

Which we also have a need for (seeing individual files).
Server will not ALERT in case of overallocations, it will allow you to see
them but it would not alert in the sense of sending or showing a message.

But at least we're getting there. And I'm certain that its much better than
just using Excel.

Jan De Messemaeker


Project Name and Start/End Dates:
View and filter are available, all set.

selected number of projects with allocated resources (by date),
Resources don't have dates: tasks and assignments do. I'm not sure which
dates you refer to here.
By all means, Projects followed by the resoures used in them (and if you
want also the assignments of these resources: a grouping has to be defined
but that is a matter of a few minutes (providing you know the tool which is
a matter of many days)

projects that a given resource is allocated to
Available as a view (to be filtered)

As you may see I don't talk about reports, instaed views (that can be
printed of course)

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:

Steve House

As you consider your options and the answers to your questions other have
provided, do keep in mind that Project is first and foremost an activity
scheduling application, NOT a resource scheduling application. It's
actually two very different paradigms. Activity or Task scheduling is
focussed on when certain actions need to take place. Resource scheduling
focusses on when someone is available to do them. Project will adjust the
start and end times of tasks to fit it into when resources are available.
But I think what you're looking for software that will adjust the resources
daily workschedules so they're available at the right time to do the task.
Project considers the resource's daily calendars and other commitments to be
engraved in granite and won't change them to fit the task requirements.
Instead it adjusts the scheduled time for the tasks to fit them into the
resource's existing calendar. Something to keep in mind.

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