MS Project Server: Enterprise Custom Fields and Cubes


VK Shenoy R

We have a few Project level and Task level Enterprise Custom Fields. The fields have been set to appear in Cubes(Cube configuration page). When a view is created from MSP_Project_Timesheet Cube, the custom fields appearing in the field list. When these columns are added to the view, the data (Actual Work) becomes blank.

What could be causing this issue?

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Gary Chefetz

I've seen that problem with older builds of Project Server. What is your
current SP and patch level? I suggest that you install SP2 + October CU.

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VK Shenoy R

Hi Gary, Thank you for a quick response. We haven't installed any SP. We'll try upgrading to the suggested level. Thanks!

Gary Chefetz wrote:

I have seen that problem with older builds of Project Server.

I have seen that problem with older builds of Project Server. What is you
current SP and patch level? I suggest that you install SP2 + October CU

Gary L Chefetz, MVP, MCT, MCIT
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