MS Project Setup - Complete Automation Possible?



I have a workstation setup document that spells out exactly how to:

1. Configure IE for both PMs and team members
2. Ensure that all the Windows components are installed in order to
use Data Analysis, etc.
3. Ensure that Office and MS Project Pro are installed
4. Ensure that the right service pack and hotfixes are installed
5. Setup your Account in MS Project in order to connect to the

The document is illustrated with screen shots and uses hyperlinks when
possible to make things easier.

Some folks seem to believe that an "install program" can be written
and "poof", everything will be done for you. Is this something that
is even possible or is this an oversimplified view of the process?

Just looking for some feedback from experts out there.

Andy Novak

Jack Dahlgren MVP

I think it is possible. I have seen all but number 5 being done
But it is possible to do number 5 programmatically.
Don't ask me HOW to do this stuff though. I am not involved in that end of

-Jack Dahlgren


I think it is possible. I have seen all but number 5 being done
But it is possible to do number 5 programmatically.
Don't ask me HOW to do this stuff though. I am not involved in that end of

-Jack Dahlgren

If anyone can help shine some light on how to make this process easier
(automate it), I'd appreciate it.

Ben Howard [MVP]

Hi Andy,

Indeed it is possible, though you'll need a combination of tools, but they
can all be scripted, and hence run as one. As for Office and the components
to use OLAP, these are just installs so can be run one after another in a
batch file. Office itself can use transform files etc, there is a whole host
of information out there on automating office product installs. ActiveX
controls can be deployed and registered. Settings for trusted sites in IE
can usually be performed via Group Policy. As for 5, Stephen Haden blogged
this back in 2007... Here's the vb script that creates the profile.

Option Explicit

Dim ProjObj

Set ProjObj = CreateObject("msproject.application")

if ProjObj.Profiles.Count = 1 Then

ProjObj.Profiles.add "Production EPM",

ProjObj.Profiles.DefaultProfile = ProjObj.Profiles.item(2)

End IF


Set ProjObj=Nothing

It shouldn't be beyond the compentance of a decent IT professional to put
this together in 1/2 a day....

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