MS project share over Internet


Bob Bedford

Sorry if it has been asked thousand of times, but can't get an answer.

We are 2 home workers and we need to share some informations.
The main purpose is to be able to know what to do for our company. Mainly we
have to manage tasks to do, but we also have deadline and we must do things
before those timeline.

We don't know very well ms Project and we are not sure some things can be
1) it is the right product for sharing "to do" list with and without
deadline ?
2) it is possible to set priorities on tasks, assign a task to any user....
3) It is possible to share the project over internet ? we don't work on the
same network (home workers) so we would like to share the same project. We
have a web server (apache) and ideally we could place a file on a ftp
server, but don't know if project allow to share a file on a server.
4) if isn't the best product, wich one should we look for.

Thanks for helping.

Rod Gill

For 2 people Project Server is a massive overhead!

Have you tried Google Groups or Windows SharePoint Services running on
Windows 2003 Server (comes free with it).

Failing that there are a number of collaboration products and services on
the net.

Rick Roszko

Specifically to answer your questions:

(1) "...sharing "to do" list with and without deadline..."
You can create a task list, but it will be date and duration driven.
An Excel Worksheet would probably work better for that.

(2a) "...set priorities on tasks..."
No, MS Project creates a top-down ordered list, so it is date driven

(2b) "...assign a task to any user..."
Yes, that it does, tasks can be assigned to one user or many users

(3) " share the project over internet..."
Using "MS Project Server" over the Internet would not be a good idea,
unless you are a great IIS security guru. Since you have mentioned
Apache, I would say that you are not, so I skip that idea.

You can use MS Project on an ftp server to upload and download
the MS Project file; however, you won't be able to tell if it has
been "checked out" for updates. So that will be a problem.

(4) "...which one should we look for..."
From what you have said, I do not think any one product can
cover your needs here. Maybe go on as Rod
suggested and do a search on "web project" or "hosted projects".
Some place do host MS Project Server, so you don't have to
worry about security; HOWEVER, I have not used any hosted
services, so I have no idea if it works at all, let alone if it
works for you. I suggest you try to get a "30 day free trial" on

Hope that helps...

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