MS Project2003,unable to outdent after indenting. Also can't delete. Bug?


Kevin Davies

Sometimes after indenting several items, i may have include a wrong task. When an attempt to outdent is tried there is no response. Nor can I delete the task. Anybody else had this and solved it?

Steve House

I've never encountered this sort of thing. If you'd care to email me the
file I'd be glad to take a look at it for you. What version of Project are
you using?

Steve House
MS Project MVP
Visit for the FAQs

Kevin Davies said:
Sometimes after indenting several items, i may have include a wrong task.
When an attempt to outdent is tried there is no response. Nor can I delete
the task. Anybody else had this and solved it?

Jan De Messemaeker

You must have sorted the tasks prior to outdenting (or changed the sequence
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
Project Management Consultancy
Prom+ade BVBA
32-495-300 620
Kevin Davies said:
Sometimes after indenting several items, i may have include a wrong task.
When an attempt to outdent is tried there is no response. Nor can I delete
the task. Anybody else had this and solved it?

Kevin Davies

I can't really e-mail the file. But it does seem to be a bug in Microsoft 2003. The version came through an academic source. The way i have overcome it for now is by deleting the parent task and reinputting the information - very annoying! If you want to try it. Install Microsoft Project Standard 2003. Create 4 tasks. High-light tasks 2 and 3 by clicking on the 2 and pulling down to sellect the 3. Now press the right arrow. The tasks indent. Now select task 2 and try to outdent. On my version of MS Project this isn't possible. All suggestions are very welcome!!!

Steve House

Very interesting! I installed 2003 Standard on another computer and tried
your example. In Project 2003 Pro task 2 outdents just fine. In 2003
Standard you are correct, task 2 will not outdent. First time I've
encountered that.

Steve House
MS Project MVP
Visit for the FAQs

Kevin Davies said:
I can't really e-mail the file. But it does seem to be a bug in Microsoft
2003. The version came through an academic source. The way i have overcome
it for now is by deleting the parent task and reinputting the information -
very annoying! If you want to try it. Install Microsoft Project Standard
2003. Create 4 tasks. High-light tasks 2 and 3 by clicking on the 2 and
pulling down to sellect the 3. Now press the right arrow. The tasks indent.
Now select task 2 and try to outdent. On my version of MS Project this isn't
possible. All suggestions are very welcome


Hi Steve, yes, it's strange isn't it? Like i said any help will be much appreciated. What's the difference between pro and standard. Do you think it is worth installing and upgrading to pro?

Rob Schneider

Kevin said:
Hi Steve, yes, it's strange isn't it? Like i said any help will be much appreciated. What's the difference between pro and standard. Do you think it is worth installing and upgrading to pro?


Just a thought ... maybe since this is a confirmed "bug", you should
phone Microsoft Support (which should be a free call since it's a "bug"
and Microsoft probably will be pleased to hear of it). They are best to
provide the workaround-advice. Maybe you could strongly hint to them
that their problem could be overcome with you if they simply send you a
copy of "pro" version?

As I understand Pro version is exactly the same as a standard, but it
provides the software hooks into the Project Server enterprise
functionality. Unless you are an server/enterprise user, it is of no
value to you -- other than it overcomes the "bug".

Rob Schneider

Kevin said:
Hi Rob
Do you have a number to call for that?

I don't know what country you are in, but you can start at;en-us;prodoffer17&sd=G
where phone and on-line support options provided.

If outside US and want an in-country contact, start at

Also, I assume (hope) you still have the paper-work with your recent
Project 2003 purchase. That will have phone numbers.

Finally, on the Project Help menu there will be some web links which
will provide you directed resource.


If I open a new project. Enter Test under the Name, then Test 2 below Test, indent Test 2 and then try to outdent Test 2 to bring it back to the same level has Test nothing happens. The outdent does not work. Is there a patch fixing this annoying problem or a shorter way of resolving the problem besides re-entering Test 2

Thank you.

Rob Schneider

Michael said:
If I open a new project. Enter Test under the Name, then Test 2 below Test, indent Test 2 and then try to outdent Test 2 to bring it back to the same level has Test nothing happens. The outdent does not work. Is there a patch fixing this annoying problem or a shorter way of resolving the problem besides re-entering Test 2?

Thank you.

See the previous discussions on another branch of this newsgroup thread.

Steve House

This has been verified as a bug - a hot fix should be available shortly

Steve House
MS Project MVP
Visit for the FAQs

Michael said:
If I open a new project. Enter Test under the Name, then Test 2 below
Test, indent Test 2 and then try to outdent Test 2 to bring it back to the
same level has Test nothing happens. The outdent does not work. Is there a
patch fixing this annoying problem or a shorter way of resolving the problem
besides re-entering Test 2?

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