I am currently publishing a website in FrontPage. A
colleague is publishing a newsletter using Publisher.
The hardcopy looks beautiful. Creating the web copy
seems dicey. It looks gorgeous on her machine. But I
don't have Publisher and cannot edit the links so they do
not work on my machine. When I open the publisher
created htm files for the newsletter there are spacing
issues, code issues, etc. It just plain doesn't look
right. Anything to do besides recreating entirely in
colleague is publishing a newsletter using Publisher.
The hardcopy looks beautiful. Creating the web copy
seems dicey. It looks gorgeous on her machine. But I
don't have Publisher and cannot edit the links so they do
not work on my machine. When I open the publisher
created htm files for the newsletter there are spacing
issues, code issues, etc. It just plain doesn't look
right. Anything to do besides recreating entirely in