MS Query returning non-existing record



Hi all,
In the same excel file, i have one sheet containing data and one running a
MSQuery to retrive some of the data with a parameter. The problem is that
when only one record should be returned, I have that record and a blank
record. Because I have formulas that are auto-extended, I have two lines of
formula. In MsQuery UI, there's only one record.

I hope this is clear,


Shane Devenshire

When you say you have auto-extend formulas exactly what do you mean.? what
version of Excel are you using?, how did you make you MS Query connection -
ODBC or regular Excel connection?


By auto-Extend, I mean the option to extend formulas to match the number of

I've created the query in Excel 2003 with the "new query" and MsQuery, so
i'd say a regular excel connection.

I tried the file in excel 2007 and I have the same problem.

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