MS Sharepoint 2.0 need Win2003?




I try to install Microsoft Sharepoint Services in Windows 2000 Terminal
server but then system display should install in Windows Server 2003 or
later.So, I cannot install in OS before Windows 2003? Is there any Sharepoint
previous version before version 2.0?
Is it Sharepoint is compulsory components to install Project Server 2003?

Please guide.
Thank you.

Alexander Kupchinetsky

there is sharepoint team services(or wss 1.0)
it can run on w2k
but project server 2003 does not work with it.
You can use Project Server without Sharepoint, but Documents, Risks, Issues
features will be unavailable


Hi Gazairi --

Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 requires Windows Server 2003. Like
Alexander says, you can install Project Server 2003 on Windows 2000,
but you will not be able to install WSS, which means that you will be
missing Documents, Issues, Risks, and other SharePoint functions.

I posted a more detailed response to your other post, describing the
required components, as well as licensing.

Good luck!

Tony Zink



if I don't install sharepoint services,you said some features like
document,issues,risk will be unavailable. Is these features important or
Let say we just want to trace project progress only, do we need have
sharepoint services install?



I try to do Set Configure Database Server for Sharepoint.
After input Database Server , Database Name
and for Active Directory Account Creation-select Users already have domain
But then, after click display error :

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE'. (Error code: 18456).

For your information, I have checked in Windows support web page and it
mentioned that something wrong with Login setting in SQL Server 2000. Then I
do again for Login 'domainname\account' and give role Security Administrator
and Database Creator. Account I gave is 'Administrator' where I use to login
windows.Is it correct?

For your information also, my server is set as Domain Controller.
Therefore, for some user account setting using Local User Account, I cannot
proceed.Should I demote it first from become Domain Controller?

Please guide.
Thank you.

Alexander Kupchinetsky

documents, issues and risks are additional features.
they can be be very usefull but you can start working without it

Alexander Kupchinetsky

'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' is the account of IIS application pool
you have 2 ways to solve your problem:
1. add login for 'NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE' to SQL Server and add it to
Database Creators Server role
you have to create account for <domain name>\<computername$>
2. use sql server login? like sa or some other sql server login account, who
is a member of Database creators

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