MS Title bar



How can I remove the Title bar at the top of the screen - with its Minimize,
maximize and Close buttons.

I provide buttons for Closing the Forms or Reports with each screen, and do
not want my Users to use the Title Bar Close button.

Douglas J Steele

While it might be possible to remove the title bar using API calls, it would
be difficult. However, removing the control box (the Minimize, Maximize and
Close buttons) is easy. Look at the properties of the form: one is named



I also need to remove the min/max/close buttons from the
"Access TitleBar". I'm having trouble when a report is displayed. If
the user maximizes the report, the report controlbox falls under the
Access TitleBar. If the user presses the close button [X], thinking its
the report button, the whole app closes. How do I shut off the
ControlBox for the MS Access TitleBar ?

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