MS Word 2000; how to add sound/video;



Is there a way how I can add/insert sound, audio or
illustrations from file in my word documents?
Any suggestions appreciated!!


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Paul,

To have click-playable items in a Word .doc file
you place an embeddable object in the document.

You can use Insert=>Object and choose a
..AVI file (Video for Windows) or .MOV file for
video and sound or for sound only choose
..WAV or .MDI.

The ability to play certain .MOV files can depend
on the version of Windows Media Player installed
or codex (format decoder) on a PC.

Other files, such as animated GIFs, Flash (.SWF),
Windows Media Player (.WMV). .ASX streaming video,
that can be played in a web browser can be inserted
as well but only 'do something' when you save or view
the Word .doc file as a web page and the player for
that object is available.

Is there a way how I can add/insert sound, audio or
illustrations from file in my word documents?
Any suggestions appreciated!!

I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

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