MS Word 2003 - Microsoft Office Document Imaging


Shane Ireland

Dear all,

I would appreciate if anyone could help me answer the issue I have in
relation to using the Microsoft Office Document Imaging driver (Tiff files).

In our company we currently use the Peernet tiff driver to create tiff files
for our imaging system. In Word 2003, this driver comes free. As the Peernet
Licenses are expensive we are looking at adopting the MS tiff driver. We did
some work to compare the two produced tiff images (both generated from the
same word.doc).

What we found was that at the Super fine 300, there was no real difference
in the image quality in the two file which was great, however the MS tiff
file sizes were on avaerage 25% bigger than the Peernet ones. We suspect that
the MS Tiff converter is doing more than we want it to. We believe its adding
Doc Summary Info etc, but we also believe its also putting OCR information
into the tiff document that we do not need. As the images are stored in our
imaging system we are talking about terabytes here, so and extra 25% is not

What I would like to know is, can a word document be converted to a tiff
file using the MS tiff driver without the surplus info (believed to be OCR
data). We cant seem to find a way to prevent it and code it accordingly.

Any help or reference material would be appreciated.


Peter Jamieson

I don't know much about this area but I noticed that if I create a sample
multi-page 300dpi TIFF using MODI that occupies 1038Kb, then make a small
edit in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer (I just added a highlight box) and
save it, the size goes down to 671Kb. I don't know whether that object can
be automated or whether there is any other standard or cheap automatable
object that could do the trick with a multi-page TIFF, but maybe that's
something you could look at.

Peter Jamieson

Shane Ireland

Thanks Peter, interesting observation you made. We were thinking of writing
some code to strip out the unwanted stuff from the created Tiff file once its
been created as it is only a tiff file after all. But it does add more
complexity to the process which should be already a simple process. I hope
maybe later releases of the Driver will allow the facility to drop unwanted
inflation of the Tiff files.


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