MS Word 2003 - uneven gaps before footnotes



Hi folks

I've just completed the formatting of a book which has over 60
footnotes, all inserted using the proper method.

The problem is, the gap between the foot of the text and the endnot
separator line is different on each page. It looks terrible. But n
matter what I do, the document will not let me override its settings.

Can anyone help?


Peter T. Daniels

Endnotes, or footnotes?

(1) Do you have "Keep lines together' turned on in your ordinary
paragraph style and your footnote text style? If your paragraphs can't
break across pages, then Word can't fill up the blank spaces. Turn
that off. Occasionally you might also have to turn off "Widow and
Orphan control" in an individual paragraph if a long footnote happens
to fall in the first line of a paragraph.

(2) In your footnote formatting, is it set for "End of text" or
"Bottom of page"? If your paragraphs are allowed to break that would
only significantly affect the last page of a chapter, but there I (and
most designers, I think) would prefer to have the notes at the bottom
of the page rather than up against the text.

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