ms word 2007 question



Amazon is selling Microsoft Word Home and Student 2007 for about $119.
It is also selling Microsoft Word for $209.

Are the programs the same? If so, who would buy the $209 version?

Terry Farrell

Pretty much identical. H&S has the advantage that you can install it on up
to 3 computers/laptops in your home.

Jay Freedman

If the license is the same as previous versions, H&S won't qualify for
upgrade pricing for whatever version comes after 2007.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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all may benefit.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Jay,

The previous Office Student & Teacher's Editions are qualifying products to allow you purchase any Office 2007 upgrade package, as
are any Office 2000 or newer product, including oher 2007 ones.

The MS Home & Student Edition 2007 and the 2003 Office Student & Teacher's editions don't come in an upgrade package (already
upgrade priced), but with 3 installs allowed by each.

==============If the license is the same as previous versions, H&S won't qualify for
upgrade pricing for whatever version comes after 2007.

Jay Freedman >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Bob Buckland ?:-\)


If you purchase an upgrade package of MS Office 2007 you have a retail version for the next upgrade.

If you purchase a Home & Student edition, those haven't come in an upgrade package, but it's still priced lower than an upgrade
edition, so it's probably a good value either way and either way you have Office 2007.

There's no guarantee MS will continue the practice.

JoAnn Paules >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Terry Farrell

Especially as the licence covers 3 PCs/Laptops at the Student/Teacher's


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