msaccess.exe stays open after closing


Kim Webb

When I open and close my Microsoft Access program my computer slows to
a crawl after the application is closed.

When I do a ctrl-alt-del there is an instance of MSACCESS.EXE active
and using 98-100 of cpu.

It just sits forever, I must close it manually.

Any ideas what could be causing this?


Dirk Goldgar

Kim Webb said:
When I open and close my Microsoft Access program my computer slows to
a crawl after the application is closed.

When I do a ctrl-alt-del there is an instance of MSACCESS.EXE active
and using 98-100 of cpu.

It just sits forever, I must close it manually.

Any ideas what could be causing this?

This page lists a couple of causes:

It's talking about Access 97, but the reference issue, at least, applies
to later versions as well.

Kim Webb

I must have a different issue as the problem occurs when I open access
and create a new blank database.

Dirk Goldgar

Kim Webb said:
I must have a different issue as the problem occurs when I open access
and create a new blank database.

That's very odd. So, you open Access directly -- with no database
specified -- tell it to create a new blank database, and then close it;
and this leaves the Access process running? Does that happen if you
open it and don't tell it to create or open any database at all?

What version of Access is this? Do you have any other version of Access
or Office installed? Has there been a previous version installed on
this PC?

Meg Az.

I have this same issue with Access 2003. I have become so used to
CTL+ALT+DEL and closing the application that I forgot how irritating it is
until today. I lost a spreadsheet I was working on because my system froze
solid. I came here to research and found the original question.

I can open or not open a database and get the problem - then there are times
when Access does close properly. I have had multiple copies of MSaccess.ese
running because I forgot to go in and close it.

Meg Az.


I have the same prblem as Meg

Meg Az. said:
I have this same issue with Access 2003. I have become so used to
CTL+ALT+DEL and closing the application that I forgot how irritating it is
until today. I lost a spreadsheet I was working on because my system froze
solid. I came here to research and found the original question.

I can open or not open a database and get the problem - then there are times
when Access does close properly. I have had multiple copies of MSaccess.ese
running because I forgot to go in and close it.

Meg Az.


Here's a workround for you:
create a .bat file such as fix.bat with notepad:

start /max C:\application name.mdb
start /max taskkill /im msaccess.exe /f

run the bat file from your desktop.
this works with XP Pro. with XP Home use tskill

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