MSAccess97 database design help



I need to enter 500+ resumes to database / store all detailed info address,
city, education, experience, comments, etc. Each resume is a record / each
record or person has a code. The code is made up of 3 possible designations
depending on their experience/education, for example: TL-CAD-DV-09-1234.
This means the person is TL(Trades)(General
Labourer)/CAD(Engineering)(AutoCad)/DV(Service Industry)(Driver)/09(current
year)/0123(sequenced number). We would need to look up all resumes with a
"TL" either as their primary code, secondary code or 3rd code / also we would
need to look up by group "Trades", "Service Industry". The codes are in
columns in the table and are the same in each one because one person can have
"TL" as their primary desingnation, another person "TL" as their secondary
etc. I have already created a database but may have done so incorrectly.
All the info for each resume is in one table. I cannot see how to create a
query for a report that looks up say "TL" in column A, B, and C and return
the person and data that is associated with each one. Any suggestions would
be very much appreciated.

Jeff Boyce

If your table is a spreadsheet (look in column A, column B, ...), you could
look into using a "union query" to connect together those columns.

If you'll post a description of the table/structure, folks here may be able
to offer alternatives. Consider posting something like:
<example only>





Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Your design of holding all the info for each resume in one table is not
correct. This is the cause of your pronlem. I provide help with Access
applications for a reasonable fee. I can help you design and create your
database for a modest fee. Send me an email if you would like my assistance.

(e-mail address removed)

John... Visio MVP

Steve said:
This is the cause of your pronlem. I provide help with Access applications
for a reasonable fee. I can help you design and create your database for a
modest fee. Send me an email if you would like my assistance.

(e-mail address removed)

These newsgroups are provided by Microsoft for FREE peer to peer support.
There are many highly qualified individuals who gladly help for free. Stevie
is not one of them, but he is the only one who just does not get the idea of
"FREE" support. He offers questionable results at unreasonable prices. If he
was any good, the "thousands" of people he claims to have helped would be
flooding him with work, but there appears to be a continuous drought and he
needs to constantly grovel for work.

A few gems gleaned from the Word New User newsgroup over the Christmas
holidays to show Stevie's "expertise" in Word.

Dec 17, 2008 7:47 pm

Word 2007 ..........
In older versions of Word you could highlght some text then go to Format -
Change Case and change the case of the hoghloghted text. Is this still
available in Word 2007? Where?
Thanks! Steve

Dec 22, 2008 8:22 pm

I am designing a series of paystubs for a client. I start in landscape and
draw a table then add columns and rows to setup labels and their
corresponding value. This all works fine. After a landscape version is
completed, I next need to design a portrait version. Rather than strating
from scratch, I'd like to be able to cut and paste from the landscape
version and design the portrait version.

Dec 24, 2008, 1:12 PM

How do you protect the document for filling in forms?

One of my favourites:
Dec 30, 2008 8:07 PM - a reply to stevie
(The original poster asked how to sort a list and stevie offered to create
the OP an Access database)
Yes, you are right but a database is the correct tool to use not a

Not at all. If it's just a simple list then a spreadsheet is perfectly

John... Visio MVP

Noëlla Gabriël

Hi there,

I get the feel you designed your Access database as you would an Excel
sheet. Databases however need a different approach. You should take some
time to look at the normalisation rules ( a lot of papers can be found about
them on the net) and then try to apply them to your database.
For working with Access: I found the books written by Litwin,Getz and
Gilbert very good. As you're working with Access 97, you could look for a
copy in the used books department.

Keith Wilby

Steve said:
Your design of holding all the info for each resume in one table is not
correct. This is the cause of your pronlem. I provide dubious help of
questionable value with Access applications for a fee. I can help you
become poorer. Send me an email if you would like to part with some cash.

I corrected your post for you.


Thanks very much for the info - I am going to look up these books and info
right away. My database was done in a real hurry to satisfy an immediate
need. I can now take time for some further education.


Thanks! I was reading briefly about this before posting my question - I will
look into this further and also post a description of the table/structure for
further assistance from your group.

Many thanks

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