msadox.dll registration problem


Ross Cox

I test-installed an Access2002 application created with the Packaging Wizard
in Office XP Developer on a computer running Windows98. I received an error
message during installation indicating that there was a problem registering
msadox.dll (with Retry and Ignore buttons). I've looked for references for
this problem in the KB and in this newsgroup, but haven't found anything.
Any suggestions?

Tom Wickerath

Hi Ross,

What is the exact text of the error message you are receiving?


I test-installed an Access2002 application created with the Packaging Wizard
in Office XP Developer on a computer running Windows98. I received an error
message during installation indicating that there was a problem registering
msadox.dll (with Retry and Ignore buttons). I've looked for references for
this problem in the KB and in this newsgroup, but haven't found anything.
Any suggestions?

Ross Cox

Unfortunately, I don't have access to the computer this occurred on; It's
about 450 miles south of me at my mom-in-law's house. I'll get another
chance to test install Christmas week when we go back down there again.

However, I think it was "Error registering msadox" or something similar to
that. There was very little information in the error message. Wish I had
written it down. The message box had Ignore and Retry buttons.

I can get by without using ADO as it was only needed in a module I was
experimenting with for communicating with Outlook. I can remove the module
and the reference to the DLL without affecting core functionality of the
application (uses DAO everywhere else), but I'd still like to figure out
what this is about.

Thanks for the help.

Ross Cox

Tom Wickerath

Could one get an error registering msadox, if the packaged version was older than the
version on the target PC? You might want to compare the versions of msadox.dll on your PC
and the Windows 98 based PC. Also the MDAC Component Checker may be useful:;en-us;307255


Try doing this:

Start ... Run

then type:

regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado\msadox.dll"

You should get a message box stating that the registration succeeded.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:

Arvin Meyer

There will be only one version for each O/S on the PC. It may be the wrong
one only if an install was aborted. They all seem to work fine. It's some of
the other MDAC components that are more troublesome. One of my Access 2003
machines has an earlier version left from a Access 2000 install and it runs
fine. Besides, it can always be replaced and re-registered (it's not like
the machine will catch fire or corrupt a bunch of files, it just will throw
an error like it's doing now).

It's certainly worth a try to register the file. If that doesn't work,
before using the Com Checker, he'll still need to research which version of
MDAC is required, and be prepared to change ALL the MDAC components, not
just msadox.dll
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:

Ross Cox

OK, I think I'm getting wise here. It's possible that the PC in question
doesn't have ANY version of MDAC on it since Win98 doesn't ship with it. I
didn't choose the option to install MDAC in the Packaging Wizard, I just
included msadox. So, next time I test-install, I'll compare versions of
msadox and also have a Package that will install MDAC.

BTW, I did try using regsvr32 at the time, but it failed to register the
DLL, also.

Thanks for the mountain of info.

Ross Cox

There will be only one version for each O/S on the PC.

Is this statement really true? If one goes to the Microsoft DLL Help
Database, available at:

and searches "By File Only" for msadox.dll, you will currently see 15 hits.
For example, it appears as if Windows ME ships with version 2.50.4403.4. If
a person was to install MDAC 2.5 Service Pack 1, they apparently would have
version 2.51.5303.0. If they were to install MDAC 2.5 Service Pack 2, they
would then have version 2.52.6019.1. Thus, it appears as if there is more
than one version available for each O/S on a PC.

Getting back to my question, I was wondering if, for example, the Windows 98
PC that Ross was attempting to install the application onto might have a
higher version of this file (and MDAC as well) than the PC that he used to
create his package. Could this possibly be the source of the error? Or
should the install package be smart enough to know that it includes an older
version, and just fail to overwrite the newer version silently?

I didn't mean to imply that Ross should attempt to do a piecemeal upgrade of
just this file. Of course he should update the entire MDAC installation.
However, I believe that the MDAC Component Checker can be used to accomplish
the proper updating. KB article 307255 includes the text:
"Component Checker provides a safe method to remove and reapply another
version of MDAC for these operating systems."

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