Can anyone please show me how i can get a message box to appear onc
the macro is activated and disappear once the macro is done...? th
macro is activated via the command button on a useform... currently,
am using the status bar to display the message i want to show but it i
not obvious enough... i have also tried to use the progress applet a
shown in pearson's website but due to my lack of vb knowledge i wasn'
able to modify the progress applet to run according to my macro...
would really appreciate any help/advice provided...
Can anyone please show me how i can get a message box to appear onc
the macro is activated and disappear once the macro is done...? th
macro is activated via the command button on a useform... currently,
am using the status bar to display the message i want to show but it i
not obvious enough... i have also tried to use the progress applet a
shown in pearson's website but due to my lack of vb knowledge i wasn'
able to modify the progress applet to run according to my macro...
would really appreciate any help/advice provided...