How could I correct the code below that a Y/N Msg Box appears if
AS1>=1, if user clicks "Yes" then complete rest of code, if user
clicks "No" go to cell K10. I have a half baked attempt below
With Worksheets("Sheet A")
If .Range("AS1").Value >= 1 Then
MsgBox "You have Sales that are not posted yet. If this is
correct Click ""Yes"", if not Click ""No"" and amend as necessady"
Sheets("Sheet A").Select
Exit Sub
End If
End With
AS1>=1, if user clicks "Yes" then complete rest of code, if user
clicks "No" go to cell K10. I have a half baked attempt below
With Worksheets("Sheet A")
If .Range("AS1").Value >= 1 Then
MsgBox "You have Sales that are not posted yet. If this is
correct Click ""Yes"", if not Click ""No"" and amend as necessady"
Sheets("Sheet A").Select
Exit Sub
End If
End With